...hide your surfing from others, or lie about how much you really surf...?

I read this about alcoholics - "One of the signs that you may have a drinking problem is if you hide your drinking from others or lie about how much you really drink. If you have progressed to the point where you are beginning to sneak around with your drinking, you may already have a drinking problem." - and thought about all those times I went for a "quick go-out" on my way to somewhere, or back from somewhere, and just never think about mentioning it LOL! 

....sure , I guess I  do !  every day . And people never see me ...and apart from here at sways , I never tell them .




[I'm so glad that people here like to sleep in ??!! ....thanks , lazy people !]


 ...so,  does all that supposedly make me a 'surfaholic' then , I wonder ? [ahhh ...who CARES ?! it ain't hurting anyone ]


 cheers huck !



Been addicted to surfing since I was 14.  On my mind since I was 12, really. I admit it and am not interested in being cured.  No need to lie about it. I admit it. Don’t care what anyone thinks, either.   

Check out the Step into Recovery add below.  Damn that’s disconcerting we can’t share our stuff with like minded people without the fricken marketers checking us out.  Mike

Haha i dont care who knows!. On a related note, a guy at work absolutely loves hunting with a bow. Stalks goats etc for hours and hours, and half the time doesnt come home with anything ( he likes to get real close ). His wife is a bit of a well,um you know, so he says he's working a swap shift and goes hunting hahaha.


Check out the Step into Recovery add below.  Damn that's disconcerting we can't share our stuff with like minded people without the fricken marketers checking us out.  Mike


Get help for surf addiction NOW!  Click here hahahahaha!!

Hi, I m Surfifty and i have a surfing problem.

Check out the Step into Recovery add below. Damn that's disconcerting we can't share our stuff with like minded people without the fricken marketers checking us out. Mike

Well shit, there must be a hell of a lot of people here looking for asian women, and Over 40 cougars, i get those adds all the time. Unless my wife is hiding something?!

It’s fine to share that you surfed - just lie about where you surfed, how good it was and how small the crowd was.