High Speed Sander Scandal

Does anybody know of any good online stores where I could buy a sander to finish my boards off instead of bringing and having to pay a guy to do it for me? I live in the Seacoast area of NH. Any good stores around me or online?



Does anybody know of any good online stores where I could buy a sander to finish my boards off instead of bringing and having to pay a guy to do it for me? I live in the Seacoast area of NH. Any good stores around me or online?


Being a New England boy myself, first thing I would do is figure out which sander you want. Bear in mind that they range from the Harbor Freight cheapos to the top of the line German-made items. Depends on what you wanna spend, how much you are gonna do with it, your general skill level with tools and all that.

I have a Milwaukee, myself, and it’s kinda nice, but if I wasn’t real familiar with healthy disc sander/polishers, I’d mebbe go with a random orbital machine like the Porter Cable on account of you can do more damage faster with a big disc sander than any other tool in the board-making kit… the random orbital will take a lot longer, but you won’t be redoing the whole thing when your attention wanders for a second. The links for specific tools, by the way, are ones I have, use and like.

Check locally, your friendly neighborhood tool repair people ( the bigger commercial places that work with ‘the trade’ ) often have never-picked-up repairs of very good stuff. Especially around Portsmouth, maybe Manchester too.

hope that’s of use


Hey, I went to the HarborFreight website, but I was unable to find any sanders suitable, or like the ones uses for the finishing touches.

I think I may have found a good deal…? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=42864

Or… http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=46507

the second is the one you want…46507