Hilarious Google Ads

There's always something around the edges of your screen to make you laugh, let's share the best of them here. Calling attention to them benefits the site, as was noted by balsa last week. So everybody wins.

My first one would be the glassing video with ''instruction by pro shaper''. I think if I was going to do a glassing vid I'd want a pro glasser involved, but what do I know?

Any other favorites?


**Design your own surf wax**

Apparently this is achieved by changing the packaging. Excellent I will now  take my short board and change it into a big wave gun by putting a sticker on it saying Big Wave Gun and a picture of Waimea. And you can make millions!

“Ads”? What ads?

Firefox + Adblock plus = No ads.

Watch out, google will buy that sh*t and sweep it under the rug as part of their quest for world domination.

Besides, you're missing all the fire-sales on molded crapola and other fun stuff....

Don't you want to design your own wax?

If I knew how I would replicate Purple Waxmate. I don’t know why it hasn’t been done already. (Has it?)


Why not? They’ve been calling everything under the sun a “fish” for years, now.

feel free to click away and support swaylocks… :slight_smile:

Y'know, I don't think it has.And that was good wax.

I wonder if anybody has the original formula? Hansen financed it, Mike Doyle and Rusty Miller made it, somebody has to have been connected with all that.

Sammy's missing out on the $785 SUPs with free shipping and no sales tax!

Don’t miss Double Savings on many great designs…(of Sofas at dfs)

I bet someone could make a few bucks selling Purple Waxmate. A lot of people liked it. It ain’t rocket science. Mike Doyle and Rusty Miller are still around. I think Doyle lives in Mexico and had a website. I want some waxmate. I want it NOW!

Here is Doyle’s website.  I think I am starting to get obsessed with Waxmate. jeeeeese          http://www.mikedoyle.com/

If you're obsessed with waxmate you may have a problem :)

I'd bet the guy who scooped up the rights to all the classic old labels and now imports them from you-know-where will beat you to the waxmate name.

Quick! I just saw ''recreational SUPs'' being put on sale! I guess that's as opposed to ''professional SUPs'' or ''high performance SUPs".