There is a fair bit more to it, but in summary. And yes I had second thoughts and wanted to delete the discussion.
The guy I used to buy boards from, who I thought was a mate, we used to have a few surfs together and i was guinea pig for model or two, gave feed back, did reviews for the web site, sent customers to him, doesn’t communicate with me anymore.
Feels like a bit of a kick in the guts. Bums me out.
I have since made contact with other people who love to share their shaping bay, glassing bay and sanding room with a glorified “oldman grom”
super frothing on my latest board, hanging to sand it this week and surf it this weekend.
Never lost a Facebook friend over making surfboards, but then I don’t do Facebook, ha! I find most surfers think its weird if I try to talk surfboard design with them, cuz most surfers at the places I go just don’t. “Secret sauce” is the extent of their design vocabulary.
the other thing - I would tell him to go elsewhere
Its just weird, its not just the face book, i used to talk design and stoke out on surfing with the guy… And i love talking specifics of surfboards with anyone who will talk back;)
Yes, the other thing was a response to all the shark action the media is winding up over here in AUS,
You’re already in the skateboard business. Your former friend probably now thinks you’re in the surfboard business, and he may very well think that any/all his discussions with you about design are now being used in competition with him.
I had a shaper who took offense because I posted a picture of my quiver made by him (15 boards in 3 years) and a separate picture of a couple I’d designed myself because I needed to try to work my own ideas. No offense intended but much offence taken.
For the past 10 years I have had a mentor manufacturer who is unmeasurably supportive of my woeful efforts to the extent of advising me on how to clean up my shapes (and stepping in when he can’t bear it any more!) and letting me use his glassing and sanding bay. He wants me to put a label on my boards and get them into stores. Maybe he knows that nothing I do will compare to his craftsmanship.
I once had this friend on facekook. He was my best friend forever. Then I met this other friend. He was a cool guy, too. When my BFF found out about the other friend on facekook he unfriended me. Sucks.
Sorry, just having some fun. Why do you even care? I thought facebook was for gossipy high school chicks and the like. That’s my impression from listening to the scuttlebutt in our teacher’s lounge… Mike
Never say sorry. Never go back and delete. Man Up…Yes Man Up.
You can’t just go back and delete all the things in life that you don’t like…Put it all back. All of it ! So what if you’re not PC. Charge hard. Build awesome boards. Fk facebook.
Hey Chrisp. Call me on the phone sometime cuz I don’t get to see you often enough. What, once a year? The damn thing’s in my pocket most of the time. We can gossip away and only the NSA will know. We still need to hook up and surf your neighborhood, too.
That was funny, Ray. Solid phylosophy on life…Mike
Only because nobody has touched upon this, but I think we have all been through it: I recently helped an acquaintance shape his own board. As is probably most often the case, I basically showed him how it’s done, and let him do some of the work, so he could feel like he had put his hands on his own board. I would have done more of that if it wouldn’t have meant we would be in my bay even longer. He had a unique idea for a board, so, because I’m not a pro, it took like 6 or 7 hours to shape his board. I did not ask any monetary or other “reward” for helping him do this. There’s a bit more to the story, in that we swapped boards one day, and while I didn’t have anything happen to his board that would explain it, when we got out of the water his board was dinged. I’ve never dinged a board of mine without not knowing how it happened, and I thought he must have dinged his board before we switched, but – Eff It – I felt responsible because it was dinged when I gave it back to him. In the aftermath of shaping his board, which I have never seen him not surf since he had it glassed, he left me exactly one voicemail saying he was having fun on it.
And now he wants me to help him make another. F**k that. If one person does another a good turn – a very good turn – and the recipient shows insufficient appreciation, that’s grounds for cutting ties.
Interpersonal expectations is something that hasn’t been considered. Maybe it’s not in play. All I can say is that if I felt I did someone a good turn, and they failed to show good faith in return, that’s it: no further favors, ever.
There’s really only one sound foundation for any friendship in life, and that’s mutual respect. Surfing is full of people who don’t get that, or who have an opposite understanding, due to being raised by idiot parents. Maybe all of this is neither here nor there.