Hollow Board Builders...

…Raise your hands…

How many of there are you…???..

Just curious…




Haven’t started mine yet, but have been plotting it out for about 6 months. Its going to be my winter project.

I’m building one right now.

if you mean selfmade amateur

me too…

Mine is one the way, need to build out the rails, shape rails, sand, install finbox, install leash plug, vent plug, glass, etc. Hopefully it will be done before christmas… :slight_smile:



My first one is ready to glass this week.

I, too, have been playing with wood and hollow boards. A couple of my attempts and some notes are in the resource section( one is #846). In an effort to make the play time process last longer my latest folly is an 19’6" Pacific City styled power surf dory.

Really enjoy all of the epoxy/wood info provided on this site.

Have Fun! Patrick

Used to be…

you still are Dale… they’re a board, they’re hollow, just not made of wood or glass :slight_smile:

Ha ha! Yeah… I never thought about my surf mats in that way! What I meant: in years past I`ve built myself a few hollow wood kneeboards.

I am. Actually I tried to make one the Paul Jensen way and it came out crap. Good learning experience. Next one I made a completely different way, very easy, came up with it myself with a lot of help from Paul’s site. The next one I make I will make a video or take pics and show you all how it’s done. I also have another totally new way (new to me anyway) that I came up with by reading a little about Tom Wegener and watching his small part in Sprout. Again, I’ll post pics when I get to working on that board, right now I’m poor so I can 't start…and it’s killing me. I got the bug to create!

me! mine is here http://www.swaylocks.com/resources/detail_page.cgi?ID=884

I bet you mine is the cheaper of all. almost 60 dollars.

I first thought as it was cheap it will never surf :slight_smile: but it does, and great.

also building a fish but haven’t taken pictures yet.

dale: wood kneeboards? do you have any pic of them?

i know the lis fish I’m building is in fact a kneeboard, but did you try any other design?

i’m interested in building a wooden greenough spoon or maybe a triplane.


Thanks to your step by step method and no blanks readily available in BC, I am a follower of this style. It’s a pig of a board cuz I forgot to add rail width to my inner rail frame bending template. So it’s a 8’3" minimal that is 23" at the wide point. But that’s alright, because it floats and is the first surfboard ( wood or foam) that I’ve ever built. Oh well, I’ve surfed once before building this board, and float and width(stability) will help me out for a while. You should make a shaping video, man, because you are good at teaching indirectly through media. (I can see the video title now “Hollow Wood Surfboards With Paul Jensen. ‘I make building easy’”)

I’m on my third, a 6’5" fish, no postings yet though, GF took the digi. camera on the way out, god I miss that camera. Hopefully picking one up soon…a million thanks Paul your generosity with your knowledge has proven invaluableon that note, thanks to all at Swaylocks…OnreeCuss

Paul, onto board No.4, its too addictive! Many beer o’clocks spent perusing progress in the shed.

You dont happen to fancy doing an “idiots guide to kayak building” was thinking that would be a nice project to move onto before the boat!



I am constructing a Plywood Longboard, in Ontario - my apartment living room!

Will do sanding and Glassing in friends back yard.

Things that I am chewing over are whether to use Glass cloth or not, and also whether to use Isophthalic resin rather than epoxy. Any suggestions would be most welcome.


Paul, I’m still in the game. Going slow tho. I’m aiming for a Christmas finish.

I am a builder of hollow boards, but am not actually hollow myself.

“Hollow Board” Builder, or Hollow “Board Builder” ? :wink:


…Raise your hands…

My Hands are raised, I too am not Hollow (atleast i dont think) but yeah Im making hollowboards.
