Hollow wood blanks

…I’m thinking of making available some hollow wood blanks…What you’d have to do is shape the cork rails (starting with a belt-sander)and sand the deck and bottom…You’d glass it… Pricing would be about $150 per lineal foot. Is there any interest out there??? Paul http://http://www.swaylocks.com/resources/Detailed/397.html

hmmm…balsa?..redwood?..what kind of wood?, and how much rocker is in them?..bj

hmmm…balsa?..redwood?..what kind of wood? …You name it…Currently I’m using basswood and western red cedar…I have some balsa on order… and how much rocker is in them? …So far it’s been 3.5" tail …4.5" nose…But, since I’m not limited by a ‘blank’ I can create anything…From dead flat to 12"+ nose rocker(I wouldn’t go that far though)… Paul - http://http://www.swaylocks.com/resources/Detailed/397.html

…I’m thinking of making available some hollow wood blanks…What you’d > have to do is shape the cork rails (starting with a belt-sander)and sand > the deck and bottom…You’d glass it…>>> Pricing would be about $150 per lineal foot.>>> Is there any interest out there???>>> Paul That sounds great but what if someone wanted to try to make a board from start to finish? Can you supply plans or explaination on how they are made? I (wood) love to make my one from scratch… thanks Mark Scott