Homegrown #5 (picture heavy)

I was being a smartass, Bud, I see the pictures, all 101,928,293,972 of them.

Damn, went right over me head! Never woulda guessed cuz you’re never sarcastic and you always keep your opinions to yourself!


Now move onward and upward to epoxy, Bud. Now is the time.

Exacting mix ratios, weights, volumes, cc’s, grams, oz’s, myriad of additives, air temps, etc etc etc, all this while the clock is ticking away. These things scare me and my simple mind. And when I screw up (not if), what it could do to my precious shaped foam.

UV cure is my friend and we just met!


The board looks great and the shed does too! Wish I had a space to shape like that. I like the glassing racks idea and think I might steal that when I update mine.

I’ve used both epoxy and UV cure and I like epoxy more. Exact mixing ratios aren’t too much of a problem. I also really like the thicker consistency of epoxy, less drips on the floor! Additives concern me just a bit, mostly because I have screwed up with them before. But it’s all prep work, and it seems like you have prep work down to a science!