I finished a hot coat on my current project using MAS system epoxy. The bottom came out normally, and cured to a shiny finish filling in the weave. However, the top of the board came out differently. I think it blushed, as I could see a milky blur that made the graphics look distorted, and now that it’s cured, it came out to a matte finish that still fills in the weave, but isn’t shiny like normal. It looks like a finish that I’d expect after sanding, but I haven’t sanded anything yet. It cured in very high heat in the sun. Is this the reason why it came out this way? Will I have any problems sanding it? Or should I barely sand it at all? I may just sand the bottom to get it smooth and lightly sand the top to get rid of any nicks or bumps.
any ideas? I’m new to this…