Hot coat question

In some spots I can see cloth but I didnt see it in my lam coat any help would be nice Thanks

Without any pictures it is a guess.  I’d say if the hotcoat is unsanded then it acts somewhat like a gloss coat.  It shows everything.  So actual unsaturated cloth showing is a spot that didn’t get enough resin or was missed during the lam.

I haven’t done it but if it’s poly you might be able to sand the hot coat off over the dry spots, apply sytrene to the unsaturated spot to open the fibers and reapply more sanding resin to re-wet the cloth.

If it’s just a small spot let it go and move onto the next project.

Yes, hotcoat is unsanded. It’s two small spots and it’s my 2nd board I’ve glassed. The 3rd is still on the shaping racks. 1st board lam setup quick on me, so I cut down the hardner to give me some more time. It all looked good on the lam coat until I put on the hotcoat. So, is it a lam coat issue? Thanks for the help

Your welcome.  Yup just let it go, not worth the hassle.  Got to make sure those laps are wet out.  Easy to tuck them and miss dry spots.  Those usually aren’t a big deal.  Having resin gel before the cloth is wet out is another thing.  

Thanks again

if you’re using Aerialite glass,and squeegeing too hard,it will get all “fury”…dont worry just go easy on the sand job,and use hexcel next time