No way round it ! You will have to hotcoat again to enable you to sand it ! If you used sanding agent it might be that it’s gone past it’s shelf life or that you didn’t use enough. I saw a post recently about using waxed paper to cure it but I haven’t tried it myself - it’s worth a shot !
Howzit mook, If it’s sticky like the wax didn’t rise or not enough SA you might be able to just do another hot coat over it. Just make sure you put in enough SA and Catalyst.Aloha,Kokua
I haven’t done this, but one of our glassers said he just gloss’s the uncured hotcoat, then sees what needs to be done. He hinted he might even have gone to rub and polish from there…
But obviously, if you tried to wipe it off, you gotta add another coat of resin to the sticky mess, then sand really smooth…
Use a thinned down hotcoat with about 15% styrene (premixed hotcoat resin) and recoat and sand. The worse part will probably be sanding off where you tried to wipe it with acetone.