How bad are pinholes in the glassjob?

I just received my board from the glass shop and have an issue with pinholes. On the bottom of the baord is a thin line of pinholes about a quarter inch wide and about five inches long. The glass shop guys told me it was only in the hotcoat (the glass job is a sanded 4 + 4/4, no gloss coat). Anyway, the guys at the shop told me a couple things: They said “that’s just in the hotcoat. It doesn’t affect the lam coat.” Plus, they said, “It won’t take on any water.” and then the dude applied another coat of acrylic (floor varnish) and told me not to worry about it. I said, “shouldn’t it be fixed with sanding resin and then re-sanded?” He said, “no, that would just open up more pinholes.” So, obviously, I am wondering what you guys think about it. Should I take the board back and insist that they fix it, or am I just worrying over nothing? I plan to ride the board for about a year. It’s a six-ten tri fin. Verdict?

At our shop, no boards leave with holes of any kind. Acrylic is not for filling holes. Can’t say that they will take water for sure, but pinholes are pinholes, and should be fixed with resin. If they have suncure resin, and it’s daytime, they could fix it literally in 15 minutes if it’s a sand finish. They should be willing to do that for you, I would.

find another glasser.

Yeah, the place I had it glassed at was Morning Glass in Oceanside. They do a lot of Channel Islands. They said it would take a week but it took two, and they didn’t have any fins for me, so I have to go back. They seem like a good outfit. Must have had a bit of bad luck for a few days and I was part of that bad luck. Anyway can I fix it myself with sun cure and expect it to still look new, or will it always have that blemish?

Take it back, and ask for brian in the back. He’s a cool guy and should fix it for ya. If he says no, post another message, and I’ll go slap him around for you.