How good are my handmade keel fins??


Firstly, thank you to everybody who has given me some awesome advice with regards to creating a set of twin keel fins for my mini simmons, without Swaylock, I would be a little lost!

I’ve think I’ve now completed them, and before I begin the glassing, I thought I’d put them on here, to check if there could be any problems with my design - hopefully not!  The dimensions are 4.6" high and 9.5" along the base.  I’ve left the most amount of ply 1/3 - 1/4 of the way in from the leading edge and taken it down to the trailing edge.  The photos do not show everything, as it’s obviously hard to show the foil etc in the pic - also the shots of the bottom end are probably pretty useless! However they feel pretty symmetrical and look pretty ok - my only fear is that I may have taken too much off, although the thickest section is still 9mm, also they look pretty big on my 5’6 x 22.5 x 3" simmons blank - would this size make turning/sliding too stiff?

Any views on my fins, whether they look ok or whether to take the height down by an inch would be gratefully received.

Thanks, Neil

nice fins! probably you could do some more foiling in the area of the trailing edge. Compare it to some “pro” fins, they are more foiled out in the back than in the leading edge area.

your lines should look like thes from the master John Cherry:

I bet those will ride great!


Looks fine, but your trailing edges can be thinned out more. But they will ride great how they are now.