How long can you wait to glass a shaped blank

I have a 10’er that is more or less shaped, but find myself with little time. does the blank lose any strength if it sits around for four or five days befoe you glass it>? thanks in advance drew

No, I believe it actually will gain strength. blow it off well before glassing.

Dude, if you take your shaped board to a commercial glasser, it might sit around for 2 or 3 weeks before they get to it. My worst case was 5 months!!! who would do that? Don’t ask Don’t tell

No, I believe it actually will gain strength. blow it off well before > glassing. I’ve heard stories of guys skimming a blank for a gun, and letting it sit for a year before final shaping and glassing, to get max strength.

from my experiance the sooner the better! once a blanks skin is removed it is more succeptable to warping, shrinkage, moisture & good old damage too! if your glassing company is leaving it longer than 2-3 days get a new glassing company!>>> I have a 10’er that is more or less shaped, but find myself with little > time. does the blank lose any strength if it sits around for four or five > days befoe you glass it>?>>> thanks in advance>>> drew

from my experiance the sooner the better! once a blanks skin is removed it > is more succeptable to warping, shrinkage, moisture & good old damage > too! if your glassing company is leaving it longer than 2-3 days get a new > glassing company! I like to let my raw blanks sit for about 4-6 months and do their warp thing, then I let the shaper shape the warp out.Aloha,Kokua

I like to let my raw blanks sit for about 4-6 months and do their warp > thing, then I let the shaper shape the warp out.Aloha,Kokua …Yeah,I got blanks that I am just now shaping that are over a year old.They tend to shape out better. …Once you cut the skin the faster you can make it to completion the better your end product will be.I’m not saying rush it,just don’t have a lot of down time during the board’s construction.Herb