Just finished my first board. I used SS2000 epoxy and SS-can’t remember the number- gloss epoxy. I recall reading a while back somewhere that after the board is done you’re supposed to wait a week to surf it. Is this true? I read everything surf source had on the resin and it didn’t say and I couldn’t find anything on past threads.
Looks like with our current surf forcast it should have plenty of time to cure.I think a week in a hot garage is plenty,I’ve surfed boards a few days after glassing too though.All epoxy.
If you are like me, by the time the board is finish sanded and polished its been glassed a few days. I've literally ridden boards the same day I finished polishing.
LOL Ill glass and hot coat the same day, do a light sand on the deck, clean up the rails the next morning and run to the closest river wave and try the board out :o). So like a day, usally its 2 days though. I also get some nasty pressure dings on the deck, so far no delaming thou. Howeverm, I was told min 5 days after laminating which is probally your best bet.
cures instantly in salt water? might have to look into that. but the lam wouldnt make contact with the salt water so i dont know about that. Are u playing with us lol
Well after checking earlier when there was 3 replies, I decided to go for it since it was laminated 7 days ago also i found a small thing on the ss2000 (surf source, i’m actually pretty pleased with it but don’t have much to compare it to) bottle saying 5 x to cure, I’m assuming days. Nevertheless, it was great. True, it was knee high and weak but this thing can catch a ripple in a pond so it was still fun. It was actually the first new board i’ve ever ridden and I made it myself, doesn’t get much better than that.
What about polyester resin? I just finished my hotcoat and was about to sand, and I’m dying to ride it!! It’s been sitting with the glass on it for over a week now so I figure it should be good, hotcoat seems nice and solid!
, you do not need to wait a week to sand the hot coat, you need to let the board cure after the sanding and after the gloss coat.
the minimum cure time is: 24ºC x 24 hrs x 7 days, more time if you do not have those weather possibilities or less if you have the proper infrastructure or even less if you have UV cured resin, in that case, the minimum is 12 hrs
I've finished a board poly resin in one day (shape,lam,hotcoat) then sanded it the next day then rode it the following day after that. 2 days total from lam and hotcoat. Went for a wave and kooked out. When I pulled my leash to bring my board back I saw that the rope that attaches to the plug had been burried into the tail up to the plug. Good thing the plug was on the stringer and not on the rail like some fishes would have went further. The wave had held onto the board backwards and yanked the rope through. Was so pissed cause the board was fresh. Lesson learned on my part. I'm going to stay with atleast a week from the day it was hotcoated not lammed seeing that the glass job seems to be strongest after a week in my opinion. You guys with more glassing experience might have better thoughts on this but 2 days from hotcoating is deffinately not good enough. As far as epoxy have no clue yet.
I did that once on a board that was several months old. I don’t think it was your short cure time. You just need to make a shorter loop on the string that attaches to your leash. I usually tie my string in a loop beforehand. I then feed the loop of string under the pin and push the leash through the double ended loop. This makes it so the attachment point of the leash is about an inch away from the pin.
Swied I stand corrected. Most likely was the string being a bit too long. It ended right at the tail so you are most likely correct. And this whole time I thought it was the glass not fully cured. Lol damnit
I was told by a rep. for Silmar Resin (PU) years ago, that resin cures out as hard as it will ever get in 30 days @ 70degrees. I know that in the time since, the use of Solar-Ez definitely speeds up that time. Even if you don’t use it to set it off, a little mixed in with the deck lam will speed things up. A lot of people who get their new boards directly from the manufacturer don’t realize just how fresh those lams actually are. If ridden too soon, heel dents and the likes will occur. When you buy a board from a surf shop, it has been sitting for a while. Both at the factory and the store. I’ve found that the process of repeated warming and cooling down seems to help. (Left in a car or such).
I finished off a board really quick for a trip using RR2000 epoxy and post cured it at 50degC for 7 hours using a hair drier and a tunnel made out of Thermawrap (aluminium either side of bubble wrap). 1 hour ramp up, 1 hour ramp down. Bullet proof.