How wide is to wide?

i shaped a fish using the 6’9a and should be picking it up from Richenbergs(glassing)in a week or so. i felt it had too much foward rocker.i ordered a 7’9e poured in ultralite today from clark w/o a stringer(i’ll do my own rocker)and will be shaping it in reverse for a lazer zap(check out the outline in clarks catalogue) to compare the two in our HUGE fla surf. speaking of which this was a perfect glassy day in cocoa for an 11’ board(too many projects).

MSlim, how long ago was it?

Nowadays, you can hit a windsurf store, and get travel bag that accomadates any board up to 40" wide.

Is that wide enough?

Ah, ha. Thanks Lee. Didn’t even think about the windsurf stores for wide but shortish bags.