Hello to all at Swaylocks
I have been a regular reader over the years and have valued the opinion and advice recieved from this site and will say thank you to all to start, I am relatively new to making my own boards and am enjoying the journey but find it hard to find detailed information for fin placement on HPSB and effect in regard to how you would determine thruster placement in regard to rail, volume, rocker and outline. I know a standard measure might be 1 inch of the rail 11 inch up 3.5 back trailing edge I have shaped a 6’4 HPSB 11 inch 12 in 18 3/4 centre 131/2 12 up from tail 21/4 thick low volume boxy rails hard 30 inch up, single to double concave vee tail my question is how will the slight variations in placement affect the performance how do you decide on 1 1/4 in from the rail or 1, 101/2 up or 11 1/4 31/2 back fin or 31/4 from tail I have searched but cannot find anything but general info on cluster effect does the fin configuration alter to the rail/outline bottom shape variances of experienced shapers to fine tune a board ? How can I apply it to surf condition and ability? My aplogies if this initiates a groan and not again search the archive response, I was wondering is there a criteria that determines thruster fin placement?