hull bottom questions

bouy reports are inconclusive and the over predicting is fatal to any hope of seing waves without human pond scum and high density intensity attitudinal voraciousness…although with a little swell the rearrangement of sand at polihale could be favorable…currently south swell and more predicted southwest could really confuse direct exposures…I’m still sore recovering from thursday’s paddle foray…ambrose …oooch ouch hand mey my mat for recovery therapy


the term is in fact derived from the nautical world. simmons perused/studied naval experiments involving different hull types, and adaptedt the displacement hull to his boards.(in the 40’s)later, greenough, who is of a nautical background and , as i understand, was oblivious to what simmons did, came up with the same type of displacement hulled bottom for his boards as well-both were looking for pure, flat out speedin the most efficient manner possible,and both, interesting enough , came up with same solution.the DH naturally hooks itself up into the power ponit of the wave and stay there unless coaxed otherwise by the rider.liddle’s boards are built upon this same DH bottom. a very basic explanation but perhaps a start…

So… to clear up the confusion setting in between my ears; could it be said that “displacement hull” boards have domed or V’d bottoms as opposed to flat, concave etc.?


these guys are total weirdos…especially the pool guy.

if you ride these sharpened frisbees you will end up

just as tweeked out… refoiling your life away.

the GOTHIC DOLPHINS will take your soul KP!!!

see you at sand dollar.

Los Big Bay Al looks like you been sniffin to much spraypaint again. The Reststop Inbreads await your arrival in big sur. I will charge my cordlesswaterproff3500rpmgreenoughfinfoiler for your sanity.Via con Dios KP.

wow sharpened frisbee that goes down in the book with Log ,Plank, Toilet seats, and trash bags…wiill the amusing self deprecatory creative genius ever be quelled?..dear me I hope not…ambrose…may the art of creative good natured communication reach its highest form among like minded soujourners amongst molecules of like densities yet varrying viscosities

Mr. KP. I’ll take advantage of your ability to talk surfboards and ask you what the bottom of one of these liddlesque DH surfboards looks like.

I had someone paddle out next to me a while ago with a board from the 70’s that had an actual V shape to the hull like a boat. Is this what we are talking about?

Wahooo! go to resources then go to photos then go to 5 to 511 and go to greenough spoon painted , that is a Hull!, round curved bottom to neutral rail 50/50 rails some have combos of V some have tri plane hulls there are infinate combos . If you want to see Liddle hulls in action go to then hit archives and go to first issue, theres good video of malibu in the 70s.hope that helps.KP the pool guy

Whahoo I just checked and they took the video part out of that story, its called six feet to fit but there are some nice pics of hulls.

Man to many resin fumes ,I just went back and the films are all there so check it out!!

you see…

this guy wants to meet me at a reststop and grind me?


hull lota love you you sicko pervs…

where’s my board?

don’t fight it big bay al-we know you are hooked so just flow with it!!!flyin’ on a frisbee ain’t so bad, is it???

hey matt,

you know i’m down, we’ll be holding hands and hulling ass down the line

at big sur. i’m at steiny’s house, you don’t know him but you will soon.

we’ll chat at camp fire…