Hulls and their fans: A parody site

Thought any of you interested in Hulls, and have a sense of humor will enjoy this blog-

This site is GREAT. Photoshop artists taking the piss out of all the hull crazy surf types. Not saying Hulls aren’t great…just the whole hype thing…

That is Hullarious…!!!..

can’t get it …did you puss out or what??

Try the link now…


That is Hullarious…!!!..

WOW ,TOO FUNNY ! some ones got some time on their hands.

I suppose when McHully dies, he’ll go to VALHULLA !

Great stuff.

Where is “Jonathan Livingston the sea-gHULL”?

Great stuff,

I always knew George and Ringo were Liddle riders. I can remember seeing them tearing it up riding the outer 3rd reef at the Malibu Sea Lion.

ok. i gotta say, whoever did that has some talent and a lot of time on their hands. fun stuff and good job!

Can the creator do this to SUPs? Those are more hyped and also need to be bubble popped…

the Spok one was good … it’s realistic.

Steiny just did that to me two days ago, I still can’t stop saying it “stringerless Andreini, yes it works”

At least I know when my Liddle ran away from home it won American Idhull;

maybe I will see it again on a new reality show “Hulling with the stars”.

Howzit Bill - that was Hulla good, I’m inspired!

(I laughed like Hull)

there’s waves - he told his boss to go to Hull

if he gets damned - he’ll go to Hull

if he’s a Vet - he’s done his time in Hull

if his wife’s ugly - she looks like Hull

his wife found out he’s cheating - there will be Hull to pay

he denies it - he’ll go to Hull for lying

Couldn’t resist … I hope to Hull y’all don’t mind …

ps - do you think Dora went to Heaven or Hull?!?!?!?

I hope to Hull this stops …

Well pinch my rails and flex my tail! That site’s hot enough to straighten my rocker. (ooooh, am I trying to hard?)

If you call Kirk Putnam on da phone, does he answer, ''Hullo" ??

Hull yes I do!!

I really like the songs on abbey road, but like earlier works like-

“I wanna Hull’d your hand” is my fave.

Great to see all the comments.