hws planshape advice needed

Hi all

ive been lurking on swaylocks for a while now

and every time i look into the forum i’m inspired by what i see

all this inspiration has to go somewhere, so…

the plan is for a 6’8" version of the pat ryan board

from the surfboard design and construction 1977 pdf

same width just a little longer.

changed the tail a little

rocker the same, 5" on the nose 1/2" on the tail

going to try both roys and pauls methods

1/5 models first then for real :slight_smile:

so to the point of it all

does anything look glaringly obviously wrong with the basic shape/rocker??

any suggestions??

will be riding mainly on beach breaks

thanks in advance

grainy cad outlines for reference

lets try this again opera and 28k connection are making this kinda fun :slight_smile:

That rocker looks weird to me. I don’t know too much about the subject, but wait for someone to tell you what adjustments are good to that board. IMO I’d flatten the nose a little (I’m not a big fan of tall-rockered boards) But also depends of what kind of wave you surf.

I know this doesn’t help, but wtf…

this reply posted with only a glance at the planshape and rocker…

The planshape looks a little straight in the rails, but the effect of this depends on what you’re used to riding. An adjustable (Fins Unlimited/Bahne) fin box will allow you to compensate for a lot.

We usually see rockers drawn with the straight line tangent to the midpoint of the board. Dunno where this got started but maybe the Clark Foam catalog. Your drawing shows the straight line tangent to something about 2/3 of the way back, so it’s not directly comparable to what we usually see. I think if redrawn to tangent at center, the rocker may be just fine.

For rocker advice, you might download the USBlanks catalog from usblanks.com(?). Although these are PU blanks from plugs made to be shaped close to the deck (thus more material removed from the bottom, changing the as-supplied rocker) the blank rockers represent the thinking of some very experienced shapers for many different “typical” blanks/shapes. Ther rocker diagrams are supposedly drawn to scale but I haven’t verified this.

thanks guys

that will give me some more direction till the next snag

have downloaded both usblanks and a clark foam catalogue

have to scan through that for a bit and see if i can make sense of it :slight_smile:

what effect will having straight rails have??

harder to turn ??

i ride anything from a 9’4" log to a 6’4" fish

so i dont mind if it rides different

thats half the fun

rotated the rocker pic

1 1/2" tail 4" nose

thanks again all :slight_smile: