hey dan- hang in there- we are thinking of you. the rest of us: please don’t drink and drive and even when sober please drive careful. we all depend on you so we can make it home safe to our families.
Howzit dansan, It's times like this when your Swaybrothers are there for you if not physically then mentally and spiritually and I am so sorry to hear this news. I will pray for both you and your wife and may her recovery be short and painless. Aloha,Kokua
Thinking of you and your wife, Dansan, and wishing her a fast recovery. I can relate, as my father was killed (and my brother badly wounded) by some old idiot with only one eye working and loaded with plenty of drugs that he should never have taken all together. Not only alcohool is the problem. We ALL are part of it. The minute we put a foot in a car, behind the wheel, we are potential killers. Let’s not forget it.
just got back from the hospital..the one my wife works at..
some idiot ran a red light and t-boned her....she's pretty messed up,
and the car i gave her as a 10th yr anniversary gift is totaled
thank-god we moved to florida to be near family...
cause i'm kinda shattered ...because in my world
the sun rises and sets on her pretty little head...
and i don't know what i'd do without her...raising our girls..etc..
ya know guys and gals ..we have fun here, play rough, etc..
so i'd like to ask a small favor.play nice for one day...
because all the petty bickering is just that petty, when put into perspective...
and if my grammar, spelling, syntax is "correct"...for some of you
.you'll excuse me if i tell you to go fuck yourself
Hello Dansan , I'm in the same boat as you.....There's alot of things in my life that are really "fucked up". I'm not the only one...other Swaylock members have pain too, Please contact me via pm....Cheryl almost died a few times....We're on the up swing now.....I try to stay low key with this stuff......Be strong my brother...work hard, pay the bills , you can get through this....
Prayers on the way, Dansan. Hang in there. It’ll take some time for the bones and such to heal. She’ll need you to help her keep her spirit strong. Mike
Prayers said for you and yours. Nearly lost my Wife in Sept. of this year - the humor and even the bickering provided some relief - even just a few minutes at a time.
DanSan, Prayers to you and your wife. By virtue of her calling as a nurse, She is an Angel on earth. For the life of me, I don’t know how they do it. She has obviously touched countless lives. God Bless All Nurses! We’ll pray for a full recovery.
ps. The scariest person on the road is the one texting on a cell phone. Worse than drunk driving.
really sorry to hear about the accident mate, all the very best and hope she recovers quickly....
I can relate as I lost my father when a dickhead ran a light and hit my Dad while on a motorbike, no excuses when fools do this and injure or kill innocent people.....
glad your family are around for support, all the best