I don't really need another board...

But at the same time, I want to make another board. I have a custom order I’m currently working on, but once that’s done, I’ve got a big block of foam and all kinds of materials, and nothing pending to make with it.

So, I have the compulsion to make another board for myself… But no real idea of what to do or why.

That’s why I’m posting. I’m looking for some ideas of what I could make. I’m looking to do something different, something I haven’t tried before, something that would be a fun project “just because”. Maximum of 8’ (that’s how long my foam is).

I know this couldn’t possibly be any more vague or indefinite, and it’s kind of like I’m asking everyone else to do the idea work for me… But at the same time, I’m really interested in hearing some ideas, possibly new ones I hadn’t already considered.

So, let me have them! Special surprise gift for whomever gives me the cool idea I use. :slight_smile:

One idea that passed my mind these days…well, I’m making a Griffin style 5 fin. I did the hard edge all the way up the rail. It seems kind of extreme. It almost worries me more than the idea of five fins. But then I was thinking, "What would happen if you shape the rail bands on the deck side and don’t blend them in, but rather leave 3 hard edges, nose to tail? Lots and lots of release? Crazy speed? No control? Inability to set an edge? I don’t know. We do the square rails in the tail now. They seemed kind of strange at first. I don’t know just an idea.

I really don’t need another board too…but have a few blanks I have have sitting around that need to be shaped. One board that has kind of caught my attention is this 5’6" Swift Mini Simmons. Kinda reminds me of an early 70s twin, but I think has a hull type bottom. I’d probably shape one for myself a bit longer, maybe 6’0".

llibel, one of the best boards I ever had was one that had an edge from nose to tail. It was one of my earlier attempts and even though it had a tucked under edge, the edge came out a bit harder than I wanted. Who knows how the rails you mentioned would work until you try them? You never know…

find a local kid who doesn’t have a board and make a little one. It’s harder than it sounds (to get it right, anyway).

Just a thought.

or, find a local charity event, make the prettiest damn board you can, and see how much good you can do as a fund raiser…work their logo into the board, or do some plumeria inlays (as I recall you like plumerias)…


find a local kid who doesn’t have a board and make a little one. It’s harder than it sounds (to get it right, anyway).

Just a thought.

great idea

Larry Bertelman era singlefin…

ooh… just the idea and mental image of that man’s style… I hear the music…

Go for a future shape, get outta retro - envision a shape you could see fifty years from now. Two pontoons up front with a prominent vee halfway back out to tail, or put it up front under the front foot steering and shift the two pontoons to the tail rails and some kinda hydro foil action happenin back there.

Dont go west when the future is in front of you besides the gold diggers already got there.

Good luck with whatever you decide. Donate the present to surfer kid or that other one who hacked away… here - this one,


make a “biscuit.” i picked up a custom a few weeks ago and i absolutely love the thing. makes crappy waves super fun and makes me feel like a way better surfer.


mine is 6’2" x 22 x 2.75


How about something wide, flat, a little thicker than normal but NOT a traditional style twin keel fish? Maybe something like this?

Here’s another shot:

I’ve ridden this board 3 times this week and am more stoked than ever at how well it rides. Such a wonderfully different feeling from the tri-fins and bonzers. I’ve found that the difference with this board is that you can actually ride it instead of having to DRIVE it with your rear foot. Plenty of control and no loss of speed/momentum coming out of turns which gives you such a free feeling. This is by far the most exciting shortboard I’ve ridden in a very long time.

Dims are from tail to nose: 6’ 2.5" x 14 7/8" x 21" x 17"

Would look beautiful in wood. :wink:

Futuristic? Like this one?

That thing has always messed with my head…

But good idea, maybe I need to finally shape one of those Geminis I’ve been hearing about… That’s a thought there.

Gemini…Great idea!

I had the chance to look at Bernie’s Gemini first hand and it’s a beaut! I’ll bet he could give you some pointers since he and his brother have made a couple.

Definitely outside of the box. Very cool!

That “mind machine” fish you have–you could stretch it a few, round the tail, make it into a quad, and you might end up with a magic carpet. Did you get any today?

Futuristic? Like this one?

That thing has always messed with my head…

But good idea, maybe I need to finally shape one of those Geminis I’ve been hearing about… That’s a thought there.

Yeah, shapers dreams become glassers nightmares.

…Just promise your glasser first shot at pipe with it.