The long 4 year haul is over… Pretty happy about that. Then its off to college for me.

The long 4 year haul is over… Pretty happy about that. Then its off to > college for me. Pretty scarry too! I remember one feeling. Until HS graduation I had the feeling that I could become anything. Your options are narrowing. Enjoy.

The long 4 year haul is over… Pretty happy about that. Then its off to > college for me. Did they teach you how to spell? (TOMAROW)? good luck.

The long 4 year haul is over… Pretty happy about that. Then its off to > college for me. Same here, just make sure you are going to a college you like. It will make it so much better.

The long 4 year haul is over… Pretty happy about that. Then its off to > college for me. BEST OF LUCK-ENJOY IT WHILE YOUR YOUNG,SURF FOR LIFE!!!

REMEMBER ONE THING KID…It’s all “on the job training” In a few years tou’ll know what I mean. Good luck and don’t get to effed up in college. That way you’ll remember it more.

…Whatever be your goal,keep your eye upon the donut,and not upon the hole.Herb

…Whatever be your goal,keep your eye upon the donut,and not > upon the hole.Herb It is ironic that I wind up with a knickname “the genius”, I pissed away 4 years of high school trying to figure out how to surf more. If I had only done my homework instead of looking like I was, I would have gotten my drivers license before 19, prevented many months of restrictions, unnecessary battles with the parents and still could achieved what I have today and more. So take heed, high school education is one of the few things in life we get free, take the biggest advantage of it! I would change everything IF I could. My father was college educated, multi decorated WW11, Korea, Berlin airlift, Cuba missle crisis and Viet Nam, Air force pilot, he had to look at me during those years as the village idiot. Thank God after the dreaded high school years, we both could put it all behind us and make it grow from there. Be all you can be!

No, they didn’t teach me how to spell… But they did teach me calculus, physics and biology though, thats why I’m studying engineering, not English…

Your options are narrowing. Enjoy. Naaaaaaaah, your options are so wide open now. That’s the whole point of college. Spend the year checking different stuff out. I was a art major turned history major turned english major turned prelaw then I took an introductory geology course and I was hooked. Got a MS and have my own company doing what I love-geology. (Work on your spelling though…) Good Luck!!! (and stay wet) Newbs

No, they didn’t teach me how to spell… But they did teach me calculus, > physics and biology though, thats why I’m studying engineering, not > English… A few years ago English standards/requirements for ALL college students were bumped up a notch, which for many seemed like an unnecessary burden.The reason? Studies showed that in the professional world written reports, memos, etc.were increasingly verging on the point of being illiterate.The two groups most responsible? Doctors and Engineers.

I’m 35 years old and have only one year of college. Don’t really plan on going back anytime soon, so all I can say is college is not for everyone. I do better by actually getting my hands dirty and learning from trial and error. I know things that no college could teach you. Some people do better in a classroom listening to a instructor. I guess what i’m trying to say is what ever you do, listen closly and learn. You never know what info might come in handy one day.