I have Fresh Fish. Fresh Fish. My Fish is Ready!

Resource ID 940

My fish is done. It took exactly seventeen days to go from Mitch’s, as a lonely C2 blank to a ready to fish 6,0 Retrofish. I am stoked!

Retro fish designed and shaped by Steve Clark with input from Mike Fairbanks (dimensions). Double six ounce sanded finish top, six ounce bottom. Wood fins, leash plug. I was too cheap to go for the gloss and polish, but I know I should have. Superblue blank. Double six ounce deck, six ounce bottom. Wood fins, dumb laminates and, phew, a leash plug (I’ll need it). Six feet long, eighteen inch nose, twenty-two middle, seventeen tail, pintails 12 inches apart, eight inches deep, two and three quarters thick. It’s time to fish, baby.

It’s the classic fish. Was a cheap way to go too.

Blank 50, rice paper 2.50, fins 25, shape 50, glass 190. Total cost: 317.50

Catching waves before the smart mouthed groms: priceless.

Special Note: Thanks to the guys at Swaylocks who helped me with dimensions. Thanks to Steve Clark for shaping it (enjoy the Sierra Pale Ale) and Thank you to Evan and the guys at THE LAB in Oceanside (formerly Morning Glass) for cranking it out in twelve days, when the other shops said two months or NO. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

First test ride will be around August 20, new south swell, Lower Trestles.

Lookin’ real tasty! Congrats!

I like yer fishy’s finz …

build a fire and burn down so there is a nice bed of coals, cover a large piece of foil with sliced onions and peppers, put your fish on top and more onions and peppers on the fish, wrap tightly with a few more layers of foil, and bury in the coals, 20 minutes a side…the original recipe called for banana leaves…the meat should fall off the bone.

Nice, let us know how it tastes…

What? New handboard, new fish? You have yourself a whole new quiver!

Hi ,

Do you sell the fins ? Can i have your fins placing dimentions ? Sorry , i’ve never see or feel a fish board . Have no idea of where to place the fins …

What kind of rice paper n ink you used for your printing ?

Millions thanks …

The fins came from the Bahne Factory in Encinitas, CA. They are about 45 bucks (for wood) and 25 for glass fins.

I have no idea where to place them. The shaper marked them for me.

Ask that as a question on its own and these nice folks will answer them.

The rice paper you can buy at almost any shop that sells fiberglass products for surfboards. A sheet is about two bucks and will make about eight pieces of paper for your printer. Simply cut out a piece slightly smaller than a sheet of printer paper, masking tape it to the printer paper, and then feed it throught the printer. Any inkjet printer will do. I don’t know about lazer printers.