I just did my Fish tail cutout!

Folk’s - there was one small chunk I had to cut out in the crotch of my -MJF4 build, commonly known as my “JETFISH” board!

Here’s how I got her done:

I purchased foamez’s 5 1/2" Japanese mini pull saw, and the microplane round rasp from foamez, and.must say it is a PERFECT TOOL for the job! Going to get glassed by a Pro! Four boxes…This f’n thing looks n feels oh so ‘Modern!’

I boldly declare - this “IS” the finest Fish board I’ve ever owned, and I made it !


Arctic FOAM super lite Yellow 6’2" Larry Mabile Fish blank.

LENGTH: 5’11"

WIDTH: 21" wp forward center 3".


RAILS: down rails (end-to-end), with 1/8" radius bottom edges, bit o rolled edges in the nose.

Tucked under edges.

Mods: subtle doubles - to double concave vee thru the fins, near flat back out the tail



Looks nice,good job on the crack.


I gave myself 3/16"+ Leeway as I sawed out the line… I watched -Tim Stamps vid on YouTube to learn about the method. THUMBS UP TO -Tim! I improvised and used the end of a yard stick w sandpaper to sand in crotch to wrap up the pkg! Thanks for the comps-catfish!

Note: I didn’t saw all the way in the crotch bcuz I didn’t want to f’up my nice shape…it’s about 1/4" shy, but I can live with it:D…

Looks good.

There appears to be a pretty sharp shadow line along the top of the rails. Do you plan to blend that into the deck a bit more?

It could be a shadow? But if not, I can blend it out a bit more… I’ll look at it in the am as it’s being glassed by a pro. I’ll try to learn by watching! Thanks SammyA! I’ll let you test drive it if you want k. I need to make more model’s so I can start selling these things! I’m out of work, so I gotta put food on the table somehow!?:DThanks for the comps -Sir! I’ll look her over in the am.ya know, I bought a nice “gator brand” dry wall sanding block (flexy one), and it has med and fine sides…perhaps if the edge can be rubbed out if it’s there.

Anyway, I decided last night - I’m going to make a almost true retro rocket fish bcuz I just bought Clyde Beatty single foil keels man!!!opaque emerald green fiberglass fins!! I’m doing another bcuz I want to get the Fish tails down pat before I move on to other designs. t c -JIM

Here’s my - Japanese 5.5" double edged mini pull saw! Also, a pic of the round micro plane rasp!

Well, SammyA there is a slight bit of an edge. I think I couldn’t see it outside as the sun was bright today.I’ll take the gator pad and lightly blend the edge in a bit more…I’ll give it the one over with it and send it off for glassing!!! Damn, I can’t wait to build another one! Probably do a six one? Make a sleeker version setup for some size! Maybe poke the tow in tighter, less cant… heavier vee panels? The next ones a twin as I already ordered fins like I said…

While I still need to grow sum -to glass… but I had nuff confidence to order a squeegee!? Lol. I got a board I plan to strip down n reshape. And it’s going to be a perfect candidate to
Learn how to glass on. I’m going to make a 6’ rounded pin tri fin out of it.


Here’s a good trick for sanding in tight corners.

I use self adhesive sandpaper on a dowel. I keep dowels of various diameters handy so I can fit the proper radius. It also works well on the base of glass-on fins.

cool tip - SammyA -I’ll see what I can find next time I’m at home depot. I have to pick up a small tub of red devil light weight spackling to touch up a small air bubble in foam. There was one I found very small, but I don’t want a dip in my glass job. THANKS AGAIN!


Bring it out this weekend and we can put next to the side lights and see if there are any ridges, etc. to smooth out. Be cool if our Oregon friend is around, too. I should be around all weekend. After surfing, of course. Mike

Mike - thanks! I’ll call you ltr I am up having coffee. Have fun!

I had to soften that edge on right side rails/deck - SammyA pointed out. It just needed a tad more to blend into deck is all. He was right! Thanks for noticing that. Being I’m shaping outdoors, I can’t always see what I should be seeing… well, it’s going to glassing! I’m just waiting for my glasser to get back from trip.

Mike - I talked to Lowel he’s going to call me to let me know when he comin up here. But yeah, we’ll call you k. I screened out my rails, and any ridges… however, I would like to take a sponge/ screen over the deck a tiny bit. But I think the glass should be flush down to board as I got it smooth.

WOW Look great from here! share some pics when the board is done…

Thanks -idan! I just want to THANK
EVERYONE who shared tips with me, and I thank the Folk’s who offered tips -be it in shaping rm etc… I plan to stick with it and learn
more! Anyway, this board has humbled me -bigtime. It was no easy feat in the least! I know if I lost focus - I could have snapped a fish tail in a heartbeat. You gotta listen and learn from those who tell you to back up that nose w free hand, back up the tail etc., when doing certain procedures… watch the pros cut the beak noses etc…I cut mine w power planer! I watched pro’s do it 24 yrs ago… weather you are self taught, or you learned to shape from a pro - you gotta work with caution. These blanks can get damaged quik if you’re not paying attention. Work in steps, and definitely don’t rush! Put your “game on” weather you’re surfing, shaping or whatever! And you’ll be ok. And…be humble. Nuff said. - Jim

SammyA - I fixed the sharp edge…not to boast, but got ten +1’s at another surf site! Thanks MUCH.

A few more pics(eye candy) b 4 I send her out for glassing. Enjoy.

Dont’ forget to sand off the bit of pencil mark on the bottom of the board, top of the crack.  Make your fin placement marks before you send it to the glasser.  Who knows where they’ll put your fins?

good work !!! i like it !!!


I’ll sand it off tonight I forgot to get that…yeah, will mark the fins…thanks for the advice.

Thanks Herb! You should build a quad fish man! What about a five finner!? I’m going to try one ltr. And hopefully soon! 


What do you think of a Fish build off! Who can make the coolest fish board in da hous! Just for fun. Make only twin to five finner. And post pics!? Would anyone want to join in on the fun!?!?

going to quad it…just for kicks !!!


I was thinking five fins for myself, but I thought why not try 4 fins first!? 

gett this! A friend wants me to shape him a 6’6" quad fish for him!!! I’m STOKED! I heard the longer you go on fishes, more vee & pull in tail more… true or false?

Anyway, I’m thinking about doing a single to double concave to loose n it up, and May be slightly more rolled edge on rails? 1/4"- 1/2" radius on bottom edges. Probably go 1/4" to maximize performance vs draggy sluggish speed… perhaps ill put a full 3/16" of vee in front of fin cluster, and let it carry fully out back… And put less tail kick for forward projection…maybe boost nose rocker a bit? I hope it won’t be too stiff because of the length?:/?