Think about it guys.She puts up with all our sexest talk and keeps things as co-ed as she can. I’m sure we at times,step all over her feelings with it,but she hangs in there and keeps the torch burning!
I have never met you and I might not ever,but I love you all the same.You are the true spirit of Swaylocks and may you live on and create many wonderful boards.
Your signifigant other(boy friend/husband) is a lucky person,very lucky indeed.You have a great day,Rachel ! Herb
Thanks Herb! You’re definitely one of the reasons I stay.
As for any of your sexist talk, for a forum comprised almost entirely of guys, there is hardly any. You make it a very welcoming place to ask questions and recieve input.
In return I’d have to say that I love a lot the guys here, who are so helpful when I have questions. You aren’t condescending in any way, and that’s a nice break from what I usually get.
I hope that all of you are getting waves, not missing them today like I am! Final exams, what are you gonna do?
As for any of your sexist talk, for a forum comprised almost entirely of guys, there is hardly any. You make it a very welcoming place to ask questions and recieve input.
heh…“receive input”…innuendo, much?
(sorry…this thread was really asking for it…i just couldn’t resist)
I, too, am in the thick of exams…but still manage to find the time to surf. All you have to do is not care. Indifference is a powerful thing. Then, when test time rolls around, you’ll be nice and mellow having just scored some fun surf rather than studying all day every day.
Ah, indifference… it is a wonderful thing. It’s the reason I’ll go for a surf and just make it back to campus with 15 minutes before my next class. I don’t have a car on campus, so hitching rides with friends is the only way to go. And when they have exams, it doesn’t really work. I love that mellow feeling though. Best way to make it through the day.
I hope that all of you are getting waves, not missing them today like I am! Final exams, what are you gonna do?
Aw c’mon man … plenty of time for education when the surf’s flat … now get out there … besides, there’s plenty of demand for unskilled labor … what are you worried about?
All joking aside, I’ve missed a couple good days to work or being too tired after work lately myself … but this weekend, nobody better stand in my way … if that south wind is still howlin’ Saturday I’m gonna be on it if I have to use a chainsaw to cut a path through the ice … nobody’s stopping me this time …
I have never gotten lowe than a B on an exam i ws indifferent toward. hell, my physics final which ment nothing to my grade whichw ould be a c i went gut reaction and got an A. the only ones i have gotten C’S on are the ones i study for, go figure, go surf