bonta, you out there? getting any surf where you live? kirk
bonta,>>> you out there? getting any surf where you live?>>> kirk To the Kirk, It is I myself speaking to the one you! Your confusing me for nothing is broken or in the need of any further repairs. The way of present surfing has been of large waves far upon the reefs! Dominating the one beach life among the waves has the true feel of a surf culture project of great significance! It is time we all say, “to the far right bookie? Or is your way perhaps to the left for you? At the last second of the one (myself) dropping in, I say, MY WAVE!!! Straighten off into the shoreward sands bookies!” Such the wisdom solves the many great beachward problems. Kirk, keep preaching to all the more womens to only share body surfing the waves with the ancient fully naked way! GO MAN, KIRK!! GO MAN MAGIC!! The trueness of American Beach Culture is so very real fine. For sure it is a total stonker to now be a full Swaylocker!! Rip it, GO MAN!! Bonta
bonta, thanks for the words of wisdom, you are truly classic. stay stoked! kirk
bonta, you are a champ. keep surfing and running over those bookies. by the way, where do you live? any good waves over there? -steve
bonta, you are a champ. keep surfing and running over those bookies.>>> by the way, where do you live? any good waves over there?>>> -steve I want to know if ‘Bonta’ is an alias… Your Wave Buddy!!! Magoo
I want to know if ‘Bonta’ is an alias…>>> Your Wave Buddy!!!>>> Magoo Bonta is the alter ego of Mr. Steve Brom aka Magic Man.
Bonta is the alter ego of Mr. Steve Brom aka Magic Man. To “Your wave Buddy” and those wondering interrogators of Swaylocks, Yes, that is true! It is not too correct, as he himself, Alias was my eldest brother of the Mougabwas. I myself was told of being born of the May 7th, 1974 of southern Africa, son of seven those many Mougabwa brothers and sisters. I am formerly the lowly one business clerk of my recent past employment of Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Having been upon the beachward travels to warmth and colder of varied waters, I have been mostly among the longed boards and the trying to “understand it all”, as with the one American Beach Culture of longer boardsers vs. domination of the proned upon bookies. A fine question to ask the one very huge angry dudse on bookie board that has been the runs over! I have seriously come to consider that the ways of running over little punked bookie boardsers is way easier than the one largish angry adult dudse bookies! But the great many furiously inflamed largish beachward enemies can ruin a good dominating sessions for sure! Once upon the sandy shore I have learned the one way of much fast running from the largish furious bookie boardsers before they chance the opportunity of removing their personal swimming fins. Talking about it do not work well after that one runs over! A wise remembrance: Deep beach sand slow down large angry bookie trying to do the running in his swimming fins, but I myself am even slower upon the sands runnings carrying 12 of feet, 42 lbs. heavy long surfing board! With 12 of feet surfing board, to dominate waves? YES! Running quickly away on shore of beach with same? NO!! I myself (Bonta) have learned this truth about the runs. As with the ancient of Hawaiian ways, that is I myself strive to see how all manner of waves riding is one thing of the surfing realm. Perhaps it is that they of old Hawaii had no sharpened fiber fins on their possessed wooden kingly “olos” to better get the runs over the crowds of bookies who are always in the path of those standing up? To dominate or not, that is the single question! “To fun, or to beat with the runs over?” These important things I must seek understanding soon before vry soon returning to my homelands of origin. “Hav-in the F-U-N-S!!” GO MAN Magic and The Kirk!!! Always keep the teaching of the many womens to be more revealed in a finer beachlike expression of their truest feminine selfs!!! Just say “YES” to bodysurfing of the whole skin, but no wearing of wetsuit or clothing technology!! Much thanking each to all Swaylockers, and remember to keep the stonk!! Bonta
Bonta, you should go to Puerto Rico and take over. Many bookies to mess with. Some spots are bookie only.
Uhhh deerrrrrrrrrrrrr