i used to think airlines were the best at dinging surfboards

I used to think airlines did the most damage to surfboards. Until today. I decided to cross the Mexican Border and surf down at K55 and Baja Malibu. The waves were amazing and my buddy and I were the only people out there. We had a gallery of fans watching us get smashed in barrel after barrel. That gallery was about 65 wild dogs that we made the mistake of feeding and we couldnt get rid of them.  We were scoping out different surf spots and driving down muddy dirt roads and stopping at the end of each one and looking through binoculars.  Mexican federales stopped us for "suspicious behavior". When searching our car, they slammed my buddies hatchback trunk on the nose of his board and caused it to buckle about 6 inches from the nose.  Not cool. Thats when we decided to call it a day and go back home.  But that wasnt enough damage for one day. We got our car inspected at the border and the US Customs agent dropped my surfboard of the roof of the car and gave it a nice rail ding and the trailling edge of the center fin punctured the fiberglass layer beneath it.  To get searched twice in one day is bad luck.  To have two different problems with surfboards is even worse.  Both times the agent just said sorry and sent us on our way... Government agencies and surfboards do not go well together in my mind.  Now to go fix dings hahaha.

[quote="$1"]   Government agencies and surfboards do not go well together in my mind.  [/quote]

That my friend is a priceless gem.  You are a wordsmith!  I have a new tagline!

im just glad any of my boards havent had a run in with secret service or fbi or cia... haha tsa and border patrol are enough for me 

We don’t need any stinking badges to ding boards.

Just to make you feel better my German friend droped in on me and rode over my board for good measure on Saturday.[img_assist|nid=1048611|title=carnage|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=357] 

You can see how deep the slice went by the wax from my board on the offending fin.

If his fin haden’t hit my 10" center fin box it may have taken the whole tail off.

So much for bulletproof boards, but it did add some flex in the tail for my last three waves coming in.

sounds like a successful trip to mex.




youre lucky thats all that happened

better a couple dinged boards than being scalped and having my face stapled to a soccer ball (recently happened to an american tourist)... im counting my blessings