ICE 9 core got funky with heat (pics)

[img_assist|nid=1052910|title=ICE 9 meltdown?|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=363|height=480][img_assist|nid=1052911|title=Ruined.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=541|height=408]ICE 9 blank, RR CE epoxy. Had the board in a sock, sitting on the beach on a hot summer day. Took it out when I got home and it looked like this.

Wow this sucks, never saw anything like that. What material are the ice9 blanks made of?


If anyone asks:

It builds up a turbulent boundary layer what results in a faster board.

Yeah it was a real PITA to glass.

Dark colored board sock + direct, prolonged sunlight? That will do it!!

Bummer, but I wonder what all those ripples will do for the ride?


Wow this sucks, never saw anything like that. What material are the ice9 blanks made of?




I've seen it before.  Perhaps Rand will chime in with pictures of his Ice-9 board.  I'm glad he showed me his ruined ice-9 board before I bought blanks last winter.  Same story.  In a board bag in the bed of his truck.

shizzle, i asked if anyone had “bad times” with Ice9 about 2 weeks ago, no red flags popped up here in Sways-Land, so I hand-shaped the monster 10’3" blank down to a 9’8" 3.375"thick, a long process for my slow style.

Now it’s painted and awaiting glassing. I will alert customer (they brought the blank in) to heat worries. Since it’s Santa Cruz and he’s 200yds from the h2o, there may actually be no problem as we haven’t seen the sun or heat here all summer.

Thanks for the warning, such a good byproduct of all the info floating around here, you’re looking for one thing and you come across some other info that helps the overall knowledge.

Nice ride. Wife’s not too shabby either.

bummer nj, I feel your pain. as Mako said, mine was glassed with PU and in a white board bag in the bed of my truck and must have overheated. Now the front third of the board has a raised stringer on both top and bottom where the foam shrank. I still ride it, pretty minor compared to your defects. I put a lot of hours into that build as I'm sure you did. Even a year later I still leave my day bags unzipped regardless of the blank type because heat can really build up inside there. I don't have any good photos of the board after the shrinkage, but here is one of it before the damage...

I found Rand's post from last February.

"I had an Ice9 cane blank shrink around the stringer near the nose on both the bottom and deck. The poly glassed board was in an unzipped board bag in the bed of my truck. It may have expanded before it shrunk, not sure, but the stringer is now raised. Sold all the rest after that, can't risk investing that much time into a board if I can't travel with it or leave it in the back of my truck for a few hours."

I saw the board in person and I would have been sick to my stomach if that had been my board.  Thanks Rand for being honest with me regarding the Ice-9 blanks when I showed up to buy them.  Glad I ran.

Hey Rand what's up.  We just posted at the same instant.  You building anything lately?

recently finished this 5'10"x21"x2.75" double wing round tail for a friend who surfs OC a lot. he's riding it mostly as a twin with a small trailer. It's the first board I have made for someone else and it came out pretty good for a #006 I guess. I used UV PU for the first time and that was a great experience especially with the wings and five fin boxes.

Looks great.  Wish I had a place to work with poliester.  See you in the water.....should be some surf by this weekend.

The Ice9 MDI Cane formula foam had problems when exposed to heat. Apparently, it had much higher insulation performance properties than TDI. It would retain heat instead of dissipating it. Because of this, Ice9 recommended when glassing Cane foam, not to over-catalyze the resin. They also recommended to avoid long exposures to hot environments like out in the sun or the inside of a  hot car. As far as I witnessed, their TDI Moses foam didn’t have these issues. 

Yep… this was a Cane blank. Thanks for helping connect the dots, Atomized.

The only ride this board will get is in a trash truck.

aware of this effect with clark and rr  resin glass job 

back when clark was going away…?


whwt effect would a vent plug have on this condition?

would the interior /exterior pressure be neutralized?

and not result in the shrinque?

traded a guy for a board i made

with a board my friend made and glassed out of a clark

he left it in his truck in a bag at work all day

i felt terrible… the board I MADE OF PUPE

is going strong,the guy has’nt shown up since then.

new combinations of materials and construction

alternatives are a risk,always something to learn…


I still have a board of this batch in cold storage

been thinking about installing a vent for a few months…


can someone make atomized president of swaylocks or something?

Back then we didn’t include UV absorber in the epoxy.  CE and Kwik Kick both have this so the shrinking is not an issue any more.  The Ice 9 Cane blanks did have heat problems … that’s what this is.  I had the same result with a test board.

Not the lamination, for sure. Looks to me like the foam expanded like a marshmellow in the microwave when the bottom of the board was laid on hot, black sand. Even though the board was in a sock, the heat was so extreme, it cooked the foam. I know this because there’s no damage to the deck, only the bottom, and only through the middle of the board. The nose has no ripples, and neither does the tail… they were up off the sand. When the blank cooled, the foam shrunk back down (for the most part… it’s still elevated along the stringer, and there must be an explaination for that, too).

Funny… the lamination did not fail. No cracks or splits. The lamination actually looks like it stretched when the foam exploded underneath. When the foam shrunk back down when it cooled, it gave that stretched out lamination the ripply appearance. I believe the reason the foam along the stringer didn’t blow up to the extent of the rest of the foam is because the stringer absorbed some of the heat of the adjacent foam.

Had the same problem with a TDI blank by another manufacturer.  When I look back on it,  Yes left it in a dark, insulated board bag in the Maui sun for a couple of days.  That did it.  Didn't really figure it out until I talked with others who had a similar problem.