Ice-9 with epoxy resin

Impact test : bounces back to shape like memory foam 

I don’t know exactly which type of Ice-9 I have but I left them up in the garage rafters for awhile in hopes that whatever was gonna happen would happen before they were shaped.  The ones I shaped had some air bubbles directly under the skin on one side only but after a couple of planer passes, I was down to good foam.  

To be fair, I’ve had similar ‘worm hole’ issues with other brands, including some of the the old Clark blanks.  In fact the glassing supply shops used to sell a particular type of putty that came in a tube specifically for filling those holes… anybody remember that stuff???

My personal rider is a yellow tint Echotech.  Bought a few when Clark went down(quite a few).  Still got a 100 or so in storage.  The worst Blank problem I ever had was one of Midget’s(RIP) “Surf Blanks Australia”.  About one week after being glassed by the best glass shop on Maui(Gott Glassing);  The bottom shrink wrapped itself so bad it was almost unrideable.  All these years on Sways I never said anything about it because of my great Respect for Midget Farelly and the fact that he sometimes frequented this site.  Surfblanks America had similar problems here in the U.S. Resulting in their abandonment of Surfblanks formula and Chemicals.

White Marine Putty.  Don’t run into wormholes  these days.  Occasional pin holes that I dab a little liteweight spackle in…  YouTube shapers up here in Oregon pannick when they see a few pin holes in a blank.  Most manufacturers consider a few pinholes to be within the realm of acceptable norm and as such will not offer a replacement blank.  Back on topic.  Yes Tom they are great for experimentation and practice.  Especially at that price.  Lowel