I'm Freaking Out - glassing

I just got my epoxy in the mail today. and im about 2 hours away from beginning my first glass EVER! Any words of reassurance? / non posted tips to laps? I am totally freaking out and worried this will come out a disaster… but as you guys say, “you have to start somewhere” / “learn from your mistakes.”

you are freakin’ out…man. (did anyone else have a flashback to “Super Troopers” when they saw the subject…eh, maybe this crowd is a little aged for that movie). anyhow, no worries, scott. just make sure that everything is adequately wetted out. and remember that with epoxy you don’t need to force it through the glass the way you do with poly…the glass will absorb much of the epoxy on its own. also, if you run short, you can just mix up some more and throw it on. i highly suggest you read the EPOXY PRIMER in the Resources section if you have not yet done so…it has lots of good info in there on technique.

Mix, mix, mix, mix thoroughly! And then get it out of the pot unless you want to see how fast the stuff will start smoking.

It’s really easy to work with. Take your time, Don’t forget that you can always mix extra batches if you have dry spots in the cloth. (Wish I had payed attention to that little tidbit on my last board ;(

Have Fun!

How’d it go? I just glassed my first ever board with Epoxy last week & remember wondering as I mixed up 3 colors in 20oz cups and the main batch in a paper bowl whether it was going to go up in flames before I could dump it out on the board. It didn’t…and it was kinda a rush to see it come out as it did. Now I can’t wait to do another one…, but I got a lot of sanding to do first!

Forgot to add - the glassing DVD was great - it really shows you what to do. Did you check it out before or’d you go “solo” on this one?

You can do it! Just a few words of encouragement.

The advice to watch someone, or watch a video, is very good advice, gives your brain something to aim at.

Many here have learned the hard way, starting from scratch without ever seeing a board glassed. It’s more than possible.