So I was getting ready to glass a board when I found out I only have enough glass to do one layer of 4oz on the deck. I was planning on a 6+4 deck, but the 3 leftover rolls of 6oz E glass I have only have 3ft of glass on them each. I have no idea how that happened since I definitely order at least 2 yards extra whenever I do a bunch of boards. Anyway, the last time I made one of these 5ft boards I did it with mostly scrap glass. If anyone out there has the end of a roll with only 5 ft on it and nothing to use it for, I’d be ridiculously happy if you could pass it along! I’ll pay for shipping from wherever you are to here.
Not urgent, I can’t glass the deck for another 2 weeks, but I’d rather not pay for shipping on 2 yards of glass so I can waste a foot of it.
Sorry, i´m not able to help, but the same thing happened to me yesterday. I was just ready to glass the deck of a board when i discovered that the 6 oz piece i had left was to short by a foot… there seems to be a glass shortage this week. Would it be possible to overlap/ butt joint glass pieces or would this jeopardize strength, especially when doing only one layer?
Hey guys I need a couple gallons of resin too for some boards I haven’t shaped for myself yet. It has to be good resin and not too toxic and not go off too fast. Nice and clear would be good but if you have some left over that’s tinted, that will be okay too as long as my wife and kids approve the color. I’m real busy with nothing at all, really, so you have to bring it to my house, okay? If I’m not there, then come back another time. Hope to see you soon!
PS just scored a half gallon of pentachlorophenol this morning that a neighbor left out over the last few days. Since there’s little or no surf in town, them dang termites are gonna suffer now! I don’t think he’s gonna miss it. The stuff was banned years ago so it’s getting hard to find.
I turned down an able bodied, on the wrong track, homeless persons request for breakfast money the other day…
However, with good conscious I give to large, well-established, church-based efficient charities that help the homeless here and feed those overseas. No start up charities for me. Feed the body and sometimes the soul.
I buy a good 90% of my supplies there. But I just couldn’t see ordering 2 yards of glass to waste a foot. And since I don’t have any more board orders until December I don’t need 50 yards of glass lying around the shop. Plus I’m broke and in college and that’s just wasting beer money.
Dave_D came to the rescue, but thanks for the offer! We’ve still been playing around with the longboard trying to figure out where to put the hydrofoils. Research involved a lot of carefully placed stickers to figure out ideal trim spots, but we’re getting there soon.