incorrect tail rocker on a custom board

I recieved my first custom board. It is awesome, super fast and barrel rides like a dream. The one problem is it does not come of the bottom or turn all that well. When I measured the tail rocker it came out to be 1 7/8 inches i ordered 2 1/8. I have already dinged the board and put artwork on it, so returning it is out of the question. Should I suck it up and ride it for the winter, work on putting power into my surfing and sell it in the spring and get a replacement? Or should I dump it now and get replacement ASAP. it is EPS epoxy so it isn’t going to fall apart over the winter.

hi rider, you might try a smaller trailer fin o consider to install a box to move the trailer fin forward.



Ride it. Uzzi has it right. Box it, and move the fin forward. Or, adjust your style, and use more power. 1 7/8’’ tail rocker is more than adequate for a good performing board. Fin placement is what you need to play with.

it is future fins so I geuss I will go with a smaller trailer, luckily I have a friend with the hatchet for sale