Infinity Rad Noserider or Walden Magic: Which?

I’m a relative newcomer who has only used borrowed boards before, but i recently came into some extra cash and want to get myself a proper longboard to surf hereabouts on the east coast, in typical east coast waves. I’ve narrowed my choices down to either a 10’ Infinity Rad Noserider or a 10’ Walden Magic, and I’m wondering what the differences might be in terms of wave catching ability, ability to turn, and all the rest of it. Anyone care to pipe up with a bit of compare-and-contrast? Thanks!

i hate to be one of those bumpers but … bump! after this, i’ll let it go. meanwhile, as regards my original post: anyone? anyone?

I’d ask over at the longboardnet forum:

You’ll find its much more review & contrast oriented & much less hands-on design oriented than Swaylocks. And pretty much longboard-specific.

Plus, if you search, I think both of those boards have been reviewed recently. Maybe even in a thread identical to yours…

See ya there.

Quite a few surftech team riders here swear by the Infinity Rad Cluster.

I almost bought one but it’s pretty hefty for a 185-200 pounder… would’ve been my version of Laird’s 12’ standup board… Sit 30 yards outside of everyone to make all those LB wave hogs pay up but still be able to bob and weave through traffic…

Al Loo(look him up and PM him)

who posts here has one and really liked it when he was here I think he’s in texas now…

I think the Rad Cluster is more of a HP big boy board (220-250lbs) than the magic which is more a high performance longboard.

I dont know anything about the infinity but I have an epoxy magic and as a hp longboard its excellent

hey, now we’re talking … thanks, guys!

I had an epoxy magic and really liked the way it surfed, very responsive…until it buckled. Not a fan of boardworks. I went in to have it fixed and saw 3 other epoxy Waldens in the same condition at the shop waiting for damage control.

Great shape, stay away from the epoxy.

about 5 years ago i had a epoxy walden 9-0 , i got mine when thet first came on the is a very light and what i would consider a very high performance board. it is sensitive to mistakes when crossteping. it turns like dream, almost like a short board, and is faster than hell on the big stuff.its not what you would consider a all-around shape ,more of a high performance type , i wouldnt recomend it for a newbie. i dont know about previous claims about buckling and dings , but i beat mine like a red-headed stepchild for well over a year, and i didnt have so much as a pressure ding or heel dent on it when i sold it, it was to me a very durable longboard. in contrast my longboarding started to improve leaps and bounds when got my hands on a “jim phillips” hansen 50/50 heavy singlefin.


PS rather than posting replies to this stuff, if you PM one of the moderators, we can shut the spammers down faster.  Better for everyone.


What the fuck?

Spam. I can’t believe it’s worth someones while to pay people to create accounts on unrelated websites to post that rubbish.

I have a 9’2 magic model I like it. But support your local shaper Brian wynn is in nj talk to him