Injury and layoff has made me a complete kuk

The likelyhood of ridable surf and the remote location will do wonders for you.

Bring a rod/reel…good book…a few boards…RELAX


Don’t want to go politico here but, Greg made a good point on losing the option for the surgery once we go socialized medicine. We get a huge amount of Asian, Canadian, and European tourists here and the conversation usually comes around to wating to know what it’s like to live here etc… When the subject of health care comes up they all warn our country of what we don’t realize is to come. They wait over a month to schedule an MRI, many are refused for elective type non life threatening surgeries, and the overall hospital and surgery care is worse than ours with fewer docs now wanting to practice medicine in a socialistic environment with such govt. control. Many docs elsewhere try to move here, but all fear we’re heading down a bad path. Reduced or free insurance sounds good on the surface, but control, and poor care isn’t worth it. Having to write a check for the full cost of a shoulder or knee surgery so that you can enjoy life is not worth throwing away our system to the govt. Most of these tourists advise us to “fix” our legal system not our health care because part of out problem is that everyone in the health care profession has to charge more and cover their butts due to the threat of mal practice, etc. Anyway, it’s all part of the ride and something to consider…but unfortunately probably too late now. The usual case: You don’t know what you got til it’s gone!.


Not meaning to be argumentative here Richard, but I think many people are totaly misunderstanding the proposal set down.

You will not find anywhere that the proposal eradicates or is “doing away with” private health insurance. It is merely a way to provide health insurance to the poor and underprivileged.

If you have private health insurance, you keep it. It would be your choice to enter the public health care system.

Much the same way as we have a “Private school” and a “Public school” system. They are both still governed by set guidelines, but those who can afford private school will generally choose to put their children there…while public school still provides education for those that can not afford that option.

I agree there could be some inherent problems…just like there is within our public school systems…but denying CITIZENS of this great country education and health care because they are poor should not be an acceptable option…under any circumstances.

Somebody once said, “The true measure of a nation’s greatness is revealed in how it cares for it’s poor.”

I have nothing more to say on this subject, and I do not want to start a debate…I just wanted to share another point of view.

I already went to the best in town and he confirmed the frozen shoulder. It’s a thicking of the elastic type stuff that keeps the fluid in. It goes away on it’s own in about a year, but he gave me a cortizone shot and it got better. I am close to normal now…it’s just the time off killed my timing. Surfed today on a bigger board and tossed it and went for the smaller 6’8’'. Had a better time on that.

As for social medicine. I am not afraid of it in the slightest and I am not a flaming lib.

No worries, my friend. Any length of time out of the water will mess with your timing, not unlike how a lot of small wave stuff will ruin your timing for good waves.

Hang in, eat a few, it comes back. ‘Too early’ - damn, missed it, ‘Too late’ - ohcrap, over the falls…somewhere in the middle works, and you find it, eventually.

My floundering kook stage will start once again shortly. Fun to watch.If you’re feeling a need for savage amusements.

Don’t get me going on ‘socialised medicine’, though. A few bucks to make people healthy when they’re a little sick versus the same people, very very sick 'cos they couldnt afford insurance and had to wait 'til it was killing them, literally… that gets very expensive indeed.

I oughtta know - a TIA caught early rather than a stroke.

doc… just a little twitch now and then

Good one Doc. As usual.

BTW: Folks are already denied decent care if they don’t have a good chunk of money. Some of them insured with really good insurance. If the household income is low and there are children…co pays can completely break some families. Not only that…the good specialist are not going to see you without the greenback and health insurance rarely covers all or most of that. This is a disgusting side effect of a civilization that worships money and only considers those who make lots of it a success. I am a capitalist, but there are limits. If we as a society cannot take care of the needs of the lesser in the basic areas or healthcare and higher education, it doesn’t say much about our society.

I used to feel differently, but I know too many hard working folks who lost everything because they got sick.