installing fin boxes - poly blank, RR Epoxy glassing schedule

In Gregs Epoxy 101 video, he puts the fin boxes into the foam before any glassing.  Can I do it the “old” way by laminating, THEN putting the boxes in, or is it best to put them in before doing any glass work, and if, so, why…??  thanks.

you can put the boxes in after you have laminated the board but it is easyer and stronger if done in the foam before laminating

Ok, thanks.  Will do.

Ok, so I didn’t have any boxes and/or jigs, and I REALLY wantes to start glassing this little board.  Bottom is laminated and getting ready to do the top.  Can I still just install fin boxes after the lam?  If so, should I do it after the bottom is fully cured, reinforce with some patches in the fin areas and install then?  Or wait until after the hotcoat?  Thanks.

If I am doing a colored lamination, I like to put the boxes in after because sometimes a bubble appears as void after I sand.  Then I cap it with a couple of 6oz pieces.  I can’t see through the colored resin, and I feel them through with my fingers, and ears, but sometimes those pesky bubbles appear, no matter how long I babysit them.  Properly adjusted jigs are the key.

Thanks…As long as I can put the boxes in after lam or hotcoat, I’m fine…So which is it?  After lam or after hotcoat?  It’s been awhile since I did a board, and this will be my first board using epoxy with fin boxes. 

Do it before the hotcoat… so you can hotcoat over the the footballs.


since you are cutting into the lamination, if its clear I would add 2 patches. If you did color it will show a collor change with 2.

I did clear for my first epoxy job…So two patches it is…Thanks again.

.....more than one way to get the job done....

I lam and hot coat with epoxy resin in less than 24 hours. No solvents or sanding in between Lam and hot coat. And with epoxy it's not really a "hot coat" because you use the same mix ratio. Let it cure for a day or two and then install the box. And then sand that and do a tail patch over the box. Not production...not fast....but that's how I do it.....

Thanks Ray…Just hotcoated the deck.  Guess I’ll hot coat the bottom as well then. If I run into trouble, I know who to call…  :wink: