instructional videos on longboard production

Would like to know if their would be any interest from the surf community if one was to produce a couple of videos on the art of longboard production from a couple of top shapers from the 60’s, 70’s,…one being the making of a balsa boards start to finish, two,… the making of foam boards with multiple stringers as they were made in the traditional way… 60’s style, and the third being,… glassing, pigment and cut lapping as well as pigmented pinlines with glass on fins. Any opinions or comments, positive or negative, would be helpful to me and my fellow boardbuilders… Thank you …Aloha

OH YEAH!!! When can I have 'em!!!

Yes!! Thats all there is to say…

Yes!! Thats all there is to say… GREAT IDEA I’LL TAKE 2 COPIES!!

Would like to know if their would be any interest from the surf community > if one was to produce a couple of videos on the art of longboard > production from a couple of top shapers from the 60’s, 70’s,…one being > the making of a balsa boards start to finish, two,… the making of foam > boards with multiple stringers as they were made in the traditional way… > 60’s style, and the third being,… glassing, pigment and cut lapping as > well as pigmented pinlines with glass on fins. Any opinions or comments, > positive or negative, would be helpful to me and my fellow > boardbuilders… Thank you …Aloha Great!!! Interested me

I’ve got my checkbook and pen in hand! Sounds like what I’ve been looking for!

Would like to know if their would be any interest from the surf community > if one was to produce a couple of videos on the art of longboard > production from a couple of top shapers from the 60’s, 70’s,…one being > the making of a balsa boards start to finish, two,… the making of foam > boards with multiple stringers as they were made in the traditional way… > 60’s style, and the third being,… glassing, pigment and cut lapping as > well as pigmented pinlines with glass on fins. Any opinions or comments, > positive or negative, would be helpful to me and my fellow > boardbuilders… Thank you …Aloha Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Especially the Lap Cutting (ie: what time to cut while Lamination is setting, how pigments effect the setting time of resin etc. etc etc.) JC

Get going, Rodge! P.S… don’t forget the T - banding!

Sign me up too. Don’t forget something about tail blocks, and pimenting, acid splash work.

You’ve DEFINITELY got me interested! Where do I sign? Don’t forget to talk about Volan v/s regular glass…and deck patches…and foam densities…and…Well, just let me know when this video is out.

You’ve DEFINITELY got me interested! Where do I sign? Don’t forget to talk > about Volan v/s regular glass…and deck patches…and foam > densities…and…Well, just let me know when this video is out. Who do I send the $ to? Need some upfront? Investors? Go for it, excellent idea.