Interested in a NEW FIN DESIGN?


Over 1 Million Fins and no nearly lost fingers, but had a accident one time while RTMing in the late 80’s resin shot into my face and eyes. I told my employees this is what you are NOT suppose to do when the Ambulance arrive to take me away. Ever since then SAFETY is number one in my world! Mahalo, Larry


You are right Wood_Ogre “Rockwell BABY” If you thought I dressed funny then you should see me NOW! LOL Nice hearing from you my friend (-: Mahalo, Larry 

Dam Larry,


Cutting out fins in 1975....I wasn't even born then.


I'd better send you some of them paper masks.

... he typed 1975 ... not 1957 , mr. resin !!




That was the funniest part of my day!

WOW!!! I must be having to much fun time flew. Check your PM my friend, I will make it happen at no charge for the pins you just cover shipping. Yikes sorry for delay. Mahalo,Larry

hey larry, what kind of blades are you using on the bandsaw? I mostly do wood core fins, but make glass on tabs and cut them out with carbide grit jig saw blades on my scroll saw or jig saw. I’ve got an extra bandsaw that could be dedicated to fins, so I’d be curious to know what works well for you.

thanks! mike



Lots of fine foiling work on these irregular trailing edges.

Cosmetics are da-bomb as well.


What sort of boards are these going to run on?


Aloha, Rich


P.S. 1,000,000 + hmmm… I only have 999,000 to go (-;



As a progressive thinker, and surfer, would you like to be involved in testing the fin on some of your boards?    PM or phone me.



Carbide band saw my friend. Mahalo, Larry


Hi Rich, Those fins are all Stand Up Race Fins my friend. Mahalo, Larry


Hi Rich, Those fins are all Stand Up Race Fins my friend. Mahalo, Larry


Hi Rich, Those fins are all Stand Up Race Fins my friend. Mahalo, Larry


Hi Rich, Those fins are all Stand Up Race Fins my friend. Mahalo, Larry


Bill, Sorry to take your thread in all different directions, your title of this thread was perfect. Thanks for sharing your years of knownledge my friend. Mahalo,Larry

[quote="$1"] Hey Bill,

Met you outside Bird's shed the day Glen Horn had big red in the parking lot. [/quote]

I remember.   You were a long way from your home break, eh?   It was nice of you to introduce yourself.

I'm surprised that there is so little interest in something that will make such a profound change in surfing.  

Coming from you, I have to assume this is the Real Deal.  Wish I was in a position to take you up on the offer!


I'm surprised that there is so little interest in something that will make such a profound change in surfing.  



Simon Anderson would have felt the same way in 1981. [Early legrope and wetsuit manufacturers too , no doubt...]


show us what it is you are working on bill


[ I'm ALWAYS interested in fin stuff. I have even occassionally taken a photo or two of some of mine ....]






It's difficult not to be offended by your comments, deeply rooted in ignorance as they are.     You know nothing about my background.      At this point, to ''share'' would be to give away the design.     Your comment ''And we all know you're not a businessman.'' , is a clear statement of how uninformed you are.    Being silent, and thought to be a fool, rather than making comment and removing all doubt, would have served you better.     FYI, I did glass on 2+1 tri fins in 1964, removable tri fins in 1970, and recessed leash cups in 1971, all well before the popular acceptance in the marketplace.   Now you know a little more about me.   But wait, there's more.....