interesting collection

Stumbled across the surfboard museum at Gul wetsuits in England. Some pretty interesting examples to look at. Click on “surfboard collection” on the main page.

That is a really interesting collection in the UK. Here is another you may enjoy. tom>>> Stumbled across the surfboard museum at Gul wetsuits in England. Some > pretty interesting examples to look at. Click on “surfboard > collection” on the main page.

Definately some interesting boards there too Tom. The prices listed make me wince though as I sold a mint condition 59’ velzy about 8 years ago for well below what i could have got for it…wish i still had it. But, at the time I was desperate for money and was being low-balled on every offer. Oh well, I still have the memories of getting some really good rides on it.>>> That is a really interesting collection in the UK. Here is another you may > enjoy.>>>>>> tom

That link is to Pat Magee’s collection down in Texas. He certainly has one of the largest and finest I’ve seen. If it makes you feel any better, the prices he has posted are not neccesarily what the board will “sell” for, just what he’d quote as his asking price. His shop is about 3500 sq.feet and every inch of ceiling and wall space is covered with classics. When you leave the shop/museum your neck is stiff from staring at the ceiling. tom>>> Definately some interesting boards there too Tom. The prices listed make > me wince though as I sold a mint condition 59’ velzy about 8 years ago for > well below what i could have got for it…wish i still had it. But, at the > time I was desperate for money and was being low-balled on every offer. Oh > well, I still have the memories of getting some really good rides on it.