looks like there ad writing guys have been browsing the web… http://www.diversesurf.com.au/view.php?id=249b.jpg&type=spray
hmm they are out before firewire . …
using the first on the scene tactic . . . sometimes that can make or break the industry . . . but in any case, pretty interesting.
cobalt surfboards . . .
google comes up with a bunch of hits . . .
apparently they are out there, nor cal surfers can demo them
but you know apple was first to fight with GUI ,
thanks for the find
“Devolution Surfboards are full-sandwich epoxy surfboards, without the added weight of paint and gloss finish which saves up to 2 pounds in weight! And saves you money to boot!”
-really? 2 pounds of paint? Jeez, what kind of paint are these people using?
Edit: hmm, i get it…gloss polish i guess…but still.
I got an older used 9’ fusion model after trying my friends newer one. My board is heavier and much stiffer. His board rides small waves much better, but in larger (head & 1/2) surf the nose flaps up & down. I use mine for fast beach breaks, great boards and very nice people.
I too have a prototype. Got a 9’10" round pin 2+1 redline, its not exactly the same anymore. Great at beachbreaks, not too light for chop & wind.
I agree, good people. I’ve known Bob quite a while. He helped me connect the dots a year or two ago when I was getting started in sandwiches. Very generous guy with the information, and stoked that I was messing around with the stuff…
I like 'em
kind of look like my “finished” boards…
must be ahead of my time making finsihed boards with the ugly unfinished look…
little did I know I started a trend…