the sci-fi surf movie.
mine the stoke
blast it!
Good to see Robert Redford and our own Roy Stewart getting the team back together for another Hollywood blockbuster. I think I see a ‘mod’ in the background too !
Congratulations guys.
so …are you ‘gnargnar’ , from gnaraloo *, [ or , backwards, ‘rangrang’ , from ranganui ?]
I am gnar gnar. which is short for gnar gnar gnar gnar.
we are stoked you are digin it.
the feature is going to shred.
look for it around spring time '07.
Ahhh yes. Stoke to be found there is? But the dark side these warriors must not cross, though the path they walk, close to the edge it is!!
Awesome work guys!!! Nice to see someone with imagination for once…Seems like surfing is all a bit homogensised and pasturised for mass marketing… Any copies or shows coming up in europe at all??? or will i have to catch a Nargoonan Freighter to the Untied Staits to catch a glimpse of your flick!!!
May the farce be with you!!!
looks awesome.
Thank you for the interest. We are planning on taking this project around the globe.
We anticipate the final project shrink wrapped and ready for distribution, and thus promotion via shows spring time.
Perhaps Summer '07.
blast it!
Finally an intimate portrait of the real surfing.
dispensing with the trite stereotypical
outsights plagueing the world surfing identity.
true stewards of surfings higher continuity.
This docudrama will uplift ,
along with the professional surfing efforts ,
the pastime of surfing to a golden age of exploitation.
not since " Bruxlles Sprout Bingo"
has the oppertunity for exposure surfing
reached these heights.I look forward to the
wave of new enthusiasts from the far flung
planets yet un sung.
The current visitors from the close planets of
mars venus and of course the moon,not a planet,
are refreshing .but the far planetary surfers
dropping out of the sky on shoulders and peaks planet wide
will put a new twist in the underwear stuffed in the
butts of coastal tourism voyuers not privy to the
genuine surfing experience.
As Spicoli reaches middle age
a new Icon for surfing is looming on the horizon.
Whatever Blue Cruxh did not do
to nail down the lid on surfing’s
understandability surely this film will.
Do we thrive on film validation as a culture?
what is our collective reality?
do the individuals manipulate techknowlege
or do media forms subtly manipulate the individuals
Quote spicoli…
quote bob cummings…
quote gregory harrison
quote head shots of non surfers
in ‘‘surfing’’ film roles…
we are all likely to do it easily
Gidget was not Marge Calhoun
Moon Doggie was not tube steak
yet are they more influential?
yes they are.
good luck with this film
may it fulfill the intent to
illuminate the dark recesses of the
human deprevation of surflessness.
will the DVD specials have interviews with
surfings S.A.G.card carrying members from
all former surfing exploitation films?
are we not effected?
are the effects lasting?
was Dora’s surfing sullied
by the bob cummings makeup and costume
in beach blanket bingo.
did his sell out to the film industry
begin his lifetime slide
into self imposed cultural exile.
$toke for sale
who owns the patent on stoke
is it registered yet?
I cant wait…
finally a movis with substance!
looking forward to it