Invisible boards

Yeah, Jim, I think so, the main shop ( it’s a pizza place now) was in a concrete block, really dark inside building in Orleans beside a bank and the post office while they had a smaller stand out on the way to Nauset, a few new board sales and some rentals, close to old Nicolai’s Packet Landing restaurant and bar and the General Store? I can’t remember what they had besides G&S either…Challenger East maybe? That was a long time ago, wasn’t it.

The three guys who owned it, one is here lobstering ( Bob) and pounding nails, one ( Ralph ) is pounding nails ( used to work with both of those guys) and Jesse is in Florida or Costa Rica someplace, headed down there a couple years ago. The place folded as a surf shop in the early '70s, reopened as a leather shop with new owners, moved into sporting goods and now has some boards and calls itself the oldest surf shop in New England…

Around then, the other surf shop in the area was tucked away in the back of a gas station in Eastham and if I remember right, just around that time I was pumping gas out front.

Hey Paul - while this may have been done before, I’ve had a notion for some time about a board with triangular holes or “windows” in the front third of the board, between stringer & rails… this came from thinking about which part of the board you might be able to do away with, (minimalist board) more than from wanting to see through it… I thought about making that part of the board “gone” (literally nothing there) but you still need rails in that section or the board would handle very wierd – that leaves open the possibility of either a) glassed solid rails (sort of like the guitars in which there is an outline of a body, but no body) or b) normal rails & “windows”… as you say, Lexan or something comparable. I still may do it one of these days (it never occurred to me to make a complete see-thru board though). It would be very cool for those late drops, to be able to look right thru the nose of your board… not to mention it would be like a glass-bottom boat for watching sharks & what not…

Maybe I’ll do one of these for the SA2004 shape-off! Are you still shaping your cardboard one???


Check out the attachment…

The cardboard board will be built in July…

The pentultimate fish? And why doesn’t he look happier?

I like it – but the windows aren’t clear enough!

Looking forward to seeing what you can make out of cardboard, too!