If I just buy a blank, and shape the rails (leaving all other dimensions alone), and don’t use any template, what will happen? I was thinking of taking a 10,7H or a 10,3 (Phil Edwards Blank) and just skinning it lightly, and making the rails 50-50. I wonder how it would ride? I just want a noserider that gets into waves earlier than anything else (like those old fifties photos where the guys are riding waves several seconds before they actually break), and thought that might do the trick.
If I just buy a blank, and shape the rails (leaving all other dimensions > alone), and don’t use any template, what will happen? I was thinking of > taking a 10,7H or a 10,3 (Phil Edwards Blank) and just skinning it > lightly, and making the rails 50-50. I wonder how it would ride? I just > want a noserider that gets into waves earlier than anything else (like > those old fifties photos where the guys are riding waves several seconds > before they actually break), and thought that might do the trick. Good luck?? You have to remember that most blanks have Clamp marks, dents, chuncks and the rails need to be true. The only way to get a clean outline is to draw, cut and plane it true. You may be able to fake it but like i said before Good luck… I sure wouldn’t try… Take some time and make a temp.
You’d also end up with a pretty wide, bulky board…just out of proportion. I wouldn’t recommend shaping the 10’7"H unless you’ve done a few board before. It’s really long and I found that designing a template for it was no easy task. Good luck and definitely make a template first!>>> Good luck?? You have to remember that most blanks have Clamp marks, dents, > chuncks and the rails need to be true. The only way to get a clean outline > is to draw, cut and plane it true. You may be able to fake it but like i > said before Good luck… I sure wouldn’t try… Take some time and > make a temp.