Is anyone here using Clark Foam in

LIGHT (22.5% heavier than Supergreen) and Regular (38.5% heavier than Supergreen) weights? Just curious. If so for what?

I have only see its use in paddle boards(knee dents), windsurfers and kiteboards.>>> LIGHT (22.5% heavier than Supergreen) and Regular (38.5% heavier than > Supergreen) weights? Just curious. If so for what?

Yeah. I am using Regular on my 10’2 Classic Noserider. The stringer is 1/2" and so far so good. I think the next time that I shape my own board, I will go 10’8 or 11 with just a little heavier foam. I can’t wait to get this new board into to the water. If you would like to see pictures of the board when it is complete, visit my site at in a month or so. You will also see my friends boards on there. Good luck with whatever project is in your mind! Let your dreams come true! LOL Mahalo>>> LIGHT (22.5% heavier than Supergreen) and Regular (38.5% heavier than > Supergreen) weights? Just curious. If so for what?

LIGHT (22.5% heavier than Supergreen) and Regular (38.5% heavier than > Supergreen) weights? Just curious. If so for what? We get them here and there. Some are for big huge old skool longboards, and also the tow-in board people use the Regular weights. They also have a new special ‘tow-in’ weight that’s even HEAVIER. The boards feel like they’re made from some kind of clay or ceramic. Hard and Heavy.