Is anyone still making Keels

Here’s the Keels an one more of the Fish…



Hang on I’ll just ask Chip…


Yah, I still make them. Sometimes when I’m between boards I’ll grab some plywood and make some. Then I have to make a board for them. Just finished a 5-11. My last Clark blank. Yes I will try to post pictures, Chip. mike

Hey man, the board looks great. Betcha it flies. Have to get it down to the Cowrie Hole some day so I can check it out. Just glued up some solid timber keels the other day. Will post pics when they’re foiled.


…yes , I am .

And I’ll soon be doing another wood pair , for the fcs-plugged fishes of mine.

[I’ve already made 3 different template [and colours] fibreglass pairs …]


Still making fishes and still making keels. See photos of one currently under construction!

Cheers KS

hi Chris , that looks good …

a fabric inlay on the bottom of the board ?

and what is the deck like ?

will we see that soon , on another thread ?

cheers ,


All will be revealed soon.

Cheers KS

Is it an image artifact, or is there a tiny bit of “roundness” (convex) to the bottom of the pins on your project? If so, could you elaborate on the purpose?



Is it an image artifact, or is there a tiny bit of “roundness” (convex) to the bottom of the pins on your project? If so, could you elaborate on the purpose?


If you’re asking me the question, i’m not quite sure what you’re asking me. Could you rephrase the question please.

Cheers KS.


Is it an image artifact, or is there a tiny bit of “roundness” (convex) to the bottom of the pins on your project? If so, could you elaborate on the purpose?



If you’re asking me the question, i’m not quite sure what you’re asking me. Could you rephrase the question please.

Cheers KS.

Sure. In the picture, it looks like the bottom contour of each pin tail is slightly convex or rounded, where I’d expect it to be dead flat. But with all of the other visual elements and the angle of the picture, it could easily be deceiving. I was asking whether those surfaces were flat, rounded, concave, vee, or something completely different…


I will answer for Kitesurfer as he is building this in my workshop.

They are flat, the picture is misleading you a little.

The swallow tail is curved not straight and this is causing your eye to think that the bottom shape is odd but it is not.

Hey Sam, sorry i’m still not getting it. Are you refering to the tail rocker, or the rail edge or something else? There is a very slight progressive rocker from the centre of the board right through to the tail and the bottom is flat with a very slight lift at the edges and the rails are sharp upto the centre of the board.

Does this help at all?

Oh and here’s what the swallow tail looks like.

Cheers KS

gee Chris ,

that’s a really nice job you’ve done on that fabric inlay and [I assume] the cutlap, mate !

was it fiddly to do ?

did Simon help you out with that at all ?

[unless I did that in epoxy , I think I would be nervous about the inlay gelling before the rails were lapped [aagh …I’m getting ‘bushfire fish’ nightmare flashbacks now, just THINKING about it !]

…did you mix up small batches of resin for your inlay , or bravely do it all in one go ?

that said , I guess our nearly 30 degree C days here at the moment , are a bit different to your temperatures there in england now , eh ? [what does the temp get down to inside Simon’s shed ?]

good work !

cheers !

ben [‘borat’ fan … do you guys like ‘AliG’ , or not ?]

Cheers Ben,

Not really it’s just a matter of timing for the cutlap, no help from big nose and no small batches.

Cheers KS

OK, it must be the lift at the edges that I’m picking up on. It gave me the visual impression that the bottom surface of each fork of the tail was slightly rounded from the rail to the cleft (side to side). Sorry, didn’t intend to keep beating the horse after it passed away.


No help eh, remember credit, where credit is due

If I remember correctly it was me who pushed you into doing the fabric inlay in the first place and was it not me who did the research.

Ben, cold is the answer, can easy get minus degrees C althouth it is forcast to be 14c this weekend.

Yeah sorry i was only thinking along the lines that i was working alone on the board with one pair of hands when i said no help was there. There would be no boards at all if it wasn’t for the much appreciated use of your shed and tools etc. Thanks.

Cheers KS