so, is it the curve of a concave that makes if do its low pressure thing? why not use flat panels, like a v - not vee, the opposite. would that have the same effect?
hey native,
not quite sure about the pressure thing, but i think the shape of the concave makes a diff…for a single con, a steeper parabolic slope near the rails and very soft (almost flat) down the middle/centerline…maximum lift and release for a high-perf shortie…
Like meecrafty said, the width of the semi-flat through the middle of the concave is the key, and what helps it to work. And other things like the leading and trailing ramps into the concave. A ‘v’ wouldn’t come close, and may not go rail to rail very smoothly.
so, it is that the concave is curved and not flat edges,
yeah, i guess that would make it kinda hard to transfer rail to rail…although, i was thinking about under the front foot mostly.
thanks you guys, just sitting on the couch wondering…
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