Is it worth it?

I recently lost a board to a faulty rack. So, making lemonade out of the lemons, I stripped the board down to the foam, cut away the damaged nose and tail, and reshape the 7’11" into a 7’. It was my first foray into shaping (definitely not the last!), and during the process I lost about 1/2" of thickness on the board. Because it was old and waterlogged, the foam is still soft and a bit yellow at some spots. Would glassing this board be pointless? or should I just use this as a learning experience, and start again with a fresh blank? Thanks in advance! Ted

hey ted…might as well salvage it. at least i would. if it will float you can ride it. i would glass the board nice and heavy. after you sand the hotcoat, go and spray the board an opaque color. maybe tape off the stringer. that will cover up all the yellow spots and other discolorazations. then spray the board with a clear acrylic spray. just use the spray cans, this should be a low buck fix up, but a good learning tool. good luck…let us know how it comes out

becoming a good glasser comes from experience. Go ahead and glass it and chalk it up to just that. You can a;ways give the board to a buddy when you are done with it.