I have just finished shaping and glassing my first board. I have been reading in the archives alot and I think it came out pretty good for my first. I digress. I have sanded the gloss coat down to 400 wet. Do i need to seal it with something like Future or is the sanded finish watertight enough. I dont want to polish it because I’d just as soon not have to look at all the imperfections nice and shiny. I just want it to be good and sealed. I’ve learned a ton and am already scheming on the next project. Thanks for the help. Terry
I have just finished shaping and glassing my first board. I have been reading in the archives alot and I think it came out pretty good for my first. I digress. I have sanded the gloss coat down to 400 wet. Do i need to seal it with something like Future or is the sanded finish watertight enough. I dont want to polish it because I’d just as soon not have to look at all the imperfections nice and shiny. I just want it to be good and sealed. I’ve learned a ton and am already scheming on the next project. Thanks for the help. Terry
should be fine unless you have some pinholes
next time around, i’d recommend doing a double hotcoat instead of gloss if you don’t want to polish it up.
I guess I should have been more specific. I did use hot coat resin on both coats. I was under the impression that it was called a gloss coat because it went on after the hot coat. I used the same resin for both. Anway, I have 5 pinholes on the deck that I have to fill. After that I guess I’m good to go. Just wondered if there were any definate advantages to sealing with an acrylic or something similar in application like dolphin skin.
gloss resin is different. if you want to gloss it up a bit without the hassle of a gloss and polish, you could seal it up with dolphin skin, but just a sanded finish will suffice.
You can seal your board with clear acrylic spray paint. I’ve had best results with Krylon clear acrylic spray paint.Mike
I don’t know about the bottom of the board, but if you rub a bar of wax on the deck you should get some protection there.
Hey, I’m a smartarse sometimes. I can’t help it.
Tbones, It’s probably best not to use Future Acrylic for a final seal. After awhile it gets cloudy, and it probably doesn’t seal all that great if you really want to seal something that’s going to be in saltwater extensively. Clear Krylon would be a better bet. But if you applied two coats of sanding resin, it’s as sealed as any other surfboard. Doug
I don’t know about the bottom of the board, but if you rub a bar of wax on the deck you should get some protection there.
What is this “wax” stuff that you refer to, and where might I find some?
If you did two hot coats…then that is as good as a final gloss coat. Gloss resin is the same as Hot coat resin, just with some more wax in it.
seal the pinholes and don’t waist your time spraying the board.
Your next board you should do a full gloss coat. Why? Cuz they look so damn nice.
I havent ever used wax on a board before. Do they sell the wax that you refer to at walmart? If so what is it called? Terry
Walmart surely has it, however you may have to go to an authentic surf shop to find the companion “wax comb” a necessary device for getting the wax out of your chest hairs after surfing.
um… whats dolphin skin? some kinda clear coat…? cause im trying to find a way to make a board look glossed without a hastle…maybe that a way?
dolphin skin is an acryllic finish. basically, it makes a 600 shine like an 800. it’s really simple – wipe on, wipe off. but it is an acryllic, and will wear off over time.
dolphin skin is an acryllic finish. basically, it makes a 600 shine like an 800. it’s really simple – wipe on, wipe off. but it is an acryllic, and will wear off over time.
ok well any ideas on something permanant? mostly ive got a dark board that shows scratches in the hotcoat real easy…but when its wet it shines with no scratches…so i figure if i can find the right stuff it will have the same effect…maybe
permanent = gloss and polish. it’s a lot of work, but looks great and most would agree that it’s worth the time and effort.