Is this contest a farse?

A reliable friend mentioned he read somewhere about a really cool contest thats to be held this December 13th and 14th at Rincon. It sounds too good to be true. Any info would be helpful, hell, if it is true I’ll book my flight now. These are the details I remember. $100,000 grand prize, then $50,000, then $25,000, then $10,000 for remaining 5 slots. The format has all contestants in the lineup taking off on the next wave they are in line for (good or bad as determined by judge in line-up). 4, 1hr long heats each day for 2 days. Surfer with most accumulated points at end of 2nd day wins. Judging is unique…(1) it will be broadcast via some internet site (surfline maybe?) – voters can vote online; (2) will be judged via viewers of this over the pay per view on cable (i think they are charging a buck a vote); (3) from the viewers on the beach ($.50 a vote); (4) from the contest judges; and (5) from the surfers themselves. Neat huh? The coolest part are the surfers: 1. Laird on a board he has to paddle into (stand up); 2. Slater on potato chip; 3. Tudor on a noserider; 4. Curran on a Fryed Fish; 5. Gamboa on a Liddle Hull; 6. Greenough on a mat; 7. My friend mentioned at least 5 others. Anyone know anything about this?

Smells like Hynd spirit.

Here’s what I’d like to see… Kelly Slater on a Frye Fish, Mark Cunningham on a mat, George Greenough on Velo, Laird and Curren riding tandem.

i call B.S. on this one.

You have to pay to vote? Yeah, sure. I guess next you’ll have to pay five bucks to pick up trash on the beach for them after the event. For ten bucks they’ll let you clean out the porta-potties. No thanks, no fun. Sounds really boring to me.

it could be on but maybe not for that amount of money

Yea, but the post event party is gonna be sooooo bitchin’. Only 20 bucks to vote on the “bikini beach queen.”

…I think some of you guys need to check you mouths for hooks.Herb

catch and release

Riddler,NOW that’s funny!!!Herb

TRUE belief can do wonders but that kinda money is reserved for a special stratum of conciousness,the depth of chicanery is only limited by the Imagination of the viewer…I personally see an applied social science experiment. so 1 guy sits outside and tells people to take off on any wave he,or she determines worthy of contest format?..Genius!?does the starter take an occasional “break” er … who is the starter …is them sittin in a boat…doos dey tell the nice kid from nowhre to take the bitchin world ego deluxe wave an give surf star X from the deadwater pier photoshoot to take the boxer drool to whang his olas tool???the depth of this maddness brought to reality is a mind excercise is in the spirit of Divinity fudge … pure sugar…oh yes and let…Hmmmm ahhhhh ?Hold the money and we’ll be right back? dora didnt die …Dora Lives and he knows where the monet ( money ) is and they …THEY are going to give it to him , …oh yea (that freudian keyboard slip…dora painted his canvas with people…didn’t he?) ,or the Inside Rinko clique finally gaining the crowd control factor they deserve for enduring the hoards of humanity…or an out of work corperate kookla * JUST TRYING TO FIGURE A WAY to gain just one rincon wave( he knows he could RIP if he could just get a wave to himself)… the line of waiteers would be a Guiness world book candidate for the longest line of patient surfers…whadda whadda ding ding … Oh yea I already won…I didnt go. ambrose…* has anyone seen fran or ollie?