ISO info on Fineline Surfboards

hey now Swayfolks,

saw 3 very nice Fineline surfboards @ Mollusk in SF over the weekend…the “MP Hulls” with the hard edges in the tail are of particular interest.

other than at the shop on on thier website I can find no info on these, or Brian Hilbers.

an old thread on mentioned he was based in LA… haven’t seen his boards in any shops between San Clemente and Cardiff…

anyone know where I might be able to look at some more of these boards down here between LA and San Diego? thx!

from the Mollusk website:

“Brian Hilbers has been shaping boards out of Southern California for the past thirty years. He is a fine gentlemen with an affection for punk-rock and trim lines. “BJ” describes his shaping philosophy: “I shape each one having learned something from the last, and this data flows directly from my brain into my fingertips…oh and from my fingertips to my planer”. We carry Fineline’s MP Hulls, Winged-Pin Tails, and other micro single-finned nuggets. Creedle festivities…”

Try the Beach House at the end of State st. in Santa Barbara. They usually have a few of his boards in stock. If not; contact Clyde Beatty at his factory in SB. He’ll know.

Val Surf in the SF Valley is a dealer I believe.

Good guy! I sold him my VW bug thirty yrs ago…

ask kirk putnam the pool man can put you in touch with him

don’t know where to get more info, but try the contact form on his web page, ( i picked up a 6’6" MP a few months ago. i’m just starting to really love it. coming from almost exclusively standard three fin shortboards, it’s a great crutch to get the feel of a hull without fully committing to the hull design. i don’t foresee riding the old boards much any time soon.

Fineline surfbards 818 701 6407 all Valsurfs and Beachouse in SB have boards.

thanks for all the info folks! looks like I’ll have to make a trip north of the OC line… probabaly just go to SB.

anyone notice that the website is written almost entirely in French? what’s up with that?

I too like the idea of a hull with a hard edge and little sidebiter fins, seems like a cool variation on the theme…

appreciate it!

I was interested too. That’s Latin dummy text for place-holding on a page under development or looking at fonts–I Googled a piece and finally came up with a Wikipedia entry (apparently it was originally from Cicero and there’s some translated):

Brians website is a work in progress , it should be up and running soon.

Some f’n cool boards there. (On the Mollusk website.)