Isolation for a van?

Dear friends, I’ve bought a van. It is a Volkswagen, 2 seats, and only windows in the cockpit. I want to mount a kitchen, a sink and let the van like a roulotte. Any advices? Some friends told me wood is the best for isolation. Thank you. JJ

out there

Dear friends,>>> I’ve bought a van. It is a Volkswagen, 2 seats, and only windows in the > cockpit. I want to mount a kitchen, a sink and let the van like a > roulotte. Any advices? Some friends told me wood is the best for > isolation.>>> Thank you. JJ try cork.we did a friends vw van back in the 70’s and he took it up to Montana and lived in it thru the winter.Saaid it was colder hell outside but toasty on the inside.

Dear friends,>>> I’ve bought a van. It is a Volkswagen, 2 seats, and only windows in the > cockpit. I want to mount a kitchen, a sink and let the van like a > roulotte. Any advices? Some friends told me wood is the best for > isolation.>>> Thank you. JJ Wood? Sounds like you will have alot of time to play with it. They say, you will grow hair on your palm. Some friends!

Wood? Sounds like you will have alot of time to play with it. They say, > you will grow hair on your palm. Some friends! I don’t have any hair on my hands, but I do need glasses now!

Wood? Sounds like you will have alot of time to play with it. They say, > you will grow hair on your palm. Some friends! Handcuffs and rubber padding work well with isolation. Spell check can be a dangerous thing.

Be patient, make first the pieces in paper to test if they fit the van, and after that cut the wood, is easier by far than shape a board. It’s funny (and curious), you there trying to buy good condition VWs and we here (in Europe) trying to buy good condition Chevys, and stuff like that… Have a good time with the wood! Coque.